We demonstrate that the inclusion of a realistic lepton sector can relax significantly the upper bound on top partner masses in minimal composite Higgs models, induced by the lightness of the Higgs boson. To that extend, we present a comprehensive survey of the impact of different realizations of the fermion sectors on the Higgs potential, with a special emphasis on the role of the leptons. The non-negligible compositeness of the τ R in a general class of models that address the flavor structure of the lepton sector and the smallness of the corresponding FCNCs, can have a significant effect on the potential. We find that, with the τ R in the symmetric representation of SO(5), an increase in the maximally allowed mass of the lightest top partner of ≳ 1 TeV is possible for minimal quark setups like the MCHM5,10, without increasing the tuning. A light Higgs boson m H ∼ (100−200) GeV is a natural prediction of such models, which thus provide a new setup that can evade ultralight top partners without ad-hoc tuning in the Higgs mass. Moreover, we advocate a more minimal realization of the lepton sector than generally used in the literature, which still can avoid light partners due to its contributions to the Higgs mass in a different and very natural way, triggered by the seesaw mechanism. This allows to construct the most economical SO(5)/SO(4) composite Higgs models possible. Using both a transparent 4D approach, as well as presenting numerical results in the 5D holographic description, we demonstrate that, including leptons, minimality and naturalness do not imply light partners. Leptonic effects, not considered before, could hence be crucial for the viability of composite models.
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Carmona, A., Goertz, F. A naturally light Higgs without light top partners. J. High Energ. Phys. 2015, 2 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2015)002
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2015)002