We present an overview of the variety of databases and programs that offer substantial aid to medical and molecular geneticists. Databases and expert systems for genetic diseases and birth defects, programs for segregation and linkage analysis, certain DNA and protein sequence databases, and information resources in general for molecular biology are addressed. These systems cannot be used effectively without the newly developed techniques of information exchange based on international computer networks. A short introduction is given to the Internet and to European institutions and organizations that offer help with the aquisition and use of bioinformatic resources.
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Fischer, C., Schweigert, S., Spreckelsen, C. et al. Programs, databases, and expert systems for human geneticists — a survey. Hum Genet 97, 129–137 (1996). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02265253
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02265253