- Focuses on interval-valued fuzzy aggregations, and its importance for solving multi criteria decision making problems
- Describes fuzzy set based methods for dealing with incomplete knowledge
- Highlights the case of imprecise data represented as intervals
Part of the book series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (STUDFUZZ, volume 367)
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- Interval-Valued Fuzzy Aggregations
- Decision Making Using Preference
- Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations
- Preservation of N-Reciprocity
- Applications of Aggregation Functions
- Compatibility Measures of Intervals
- Interval-Valued Ordered Weighted Averaging Operators
- Properties of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations
- Generalized Composition of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Relations
- Approximate Reasoning Using General Compositions
Table of contents (4 chapters)
Authors and Affiliations
Bibliographic Information
Book Title: Uncertainty Data in Interval-Valued Fuzzy Set Theory
Book Subtitle: Properties, Algorithms and Applications
Authors: Barbara Pękala
Series Title: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-93910-0
Publisher: Springer Cham
eBook Packages: Intelligent Technologies and Robotics, Intelligent Technologies and Robotics (R0)
Copyright Information: Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-93909-4Published: 12 July 2018
Softcover ISBN: 978-3-030-06743-4Published: 13 December 2018
eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-93910-0Published: 27 June 2018
Series ISSN: 1434-9922
Series E-ISSN: 1860-0808
Edition Number: 1
Number of Pages: XIV, 181
Number of Illustrations: 12 b/w illustrations
Topics: Computational Intelligence, Operations Research, Management Science, Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research/Decision Theory