
1 Introduction

It is known that the testing problem is computationally most expensive and mathematically NP-complete [1, 2]. The same time the complexity of the modern embedded systems is steadily growing. It is, therefore, important to consider how testing can be performed more effectively.

In case of single hard to detect faults that may have just a handful of unique tests in the entire search space there have been proposed probability based algorithms where new test vectors are generated based on the input probability correlation of previously unsuccessful test vectors [3].

In case of systems with limited number of inputs we can use exhaustive testing. However the exponential growth of the test length restricts the concept of the exhaustive testing to circuits with a limited number of inputs [4].

Locally exhaustive [5] or pseudo exhaustive [6,7,8] testing is a concept to avoid the restricted number of inputs of the circuit under test. These approaches are the real alternatives to exhaustive testing. They allow for sufficiently reducing the number of the test vectors. It is possible by taking advantage of the fact that often many or all output variables depend only on a small subset of input variables [5].

As a good approximation of exhaustive and pseudo exhaustive testing the random testing have been widely used [9,10,11,12]. The advantages of random testing include its low cost, ease of implementation, ability to generate numerous test cases automatically, generation of test cases in the absence of the object specification and apart from these; it brings randomness into the testing process. Random testing and its variations have been extensively used and studied for both hardware and software systems. Unfortunately random testing is much less effective than other testing techniques such as equivalence partition testing, boundary value analysis testing [13].

Standard random testing does not exploit some information that is available in black box testing environment. Therefore controlled approach to random testing (Controlled Random Tests) may be used. One of the approaches for controlled random testing is Antirandom Testing [14]. Antirandom Testing is based on various empirical observations showing that many faults result in failures in contiguous areas of the input domain [15]. Therefore one way to improve the failure-detection effectiveness of random testing is somehow taking advantage of this fact. In this case each test vector is chosen such that its total distance from all previous vectors is maximum [14, 16]. This approach has proved more efficient than random testing [14]. Unfortunately the basic antirandom method essentially requires enumeration of the input space and computation of distances for each potential input vector [14]. Therefore many modification of antirandom tests have been proposed [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24]. But even for improved version of the method, very often computations become too expensive for real dimension N of the test vectors [25].

In this paper the efficiency of controlled random tests is investigated and validated. Unlike our parallel proposals presented in [26, 27] where we focus on multiple controlled random tests consisting of r single controlled random tests, in this paper we investigate a single optimal controlled random test and we present the greedy-like algorithm for its generation. By optimal controlled random test we understand the set of test patterns where each pattern is chosen such that its total distance from all previous patterns is the greatest possible value. So, unlike the known solutions, our approach keeps the distances between the current and previous test patterns as large as possible. All the analytical results are validated through extensive simulation-based experiments.

This paper is divided into four more sections. Section 2 provides a brief overview of the principle concept behind Controlled Random Tests. Section 3 highlights the main idea of our algorithm. We analyze and discuss the experimental results in Sect. 4, and make a conclusion in Sect. 5.

2 Controlled Random Tests Investigations

The key feature of controlled random tests generation is the information, which can be obtained from the test and used for test patterns generation. There are numerous different useful approaches which exploited the information from the test itself [14, 25, 28]. For all this methods, considering the binary case, the next definitions can be done.

Definition 1

Test (T) is a set of test patterns \(\{T_0, T_1, T_2,{\ldots }\, , T_{q-1}\}\), where \(T_i = t_{i,N-1}, t_{i,N-2},{\ldots }\, , t_{i,2}, t_{i,1}, t_{i,0}\), with \(t_{i,l} \in \{0, 1\}\), and N is the size of patterns in bits.

Definition 2

Controlled Random Test \(T = \{T_0, T_1, T_2, {\ldots }\,, T_{q-1}\}\) (CRT) is a test with randomly chosen the test patterns \(T_i\), \(i \in \{0, 1, 2, {\ldots }\, , q-1\}\), such that \(T_i\) satisfies some criterion.

The first formally define approach for controlled random test generation have been presented in [14] by Y. Malaiya. The proposed approach was called antirandom testing, since selection of each test explicitly depends on the test patterns already generated. The next formal definition for antirandom tests have been used:

Definition 3

Antirandom test (AT) is a test with a test pattern \(T_i\), \(i \in \{0, 1, 2\), \( {\ldots }\, , q-1\}\), is chosen such that it satisfies some criterion with respect to all patterns \(T_0, T_1, T_2, {\ldots }\, , T_{i-1}\) have been obtained before.

To make each new pattern different compare with previously generated the Hamming and Cartesian distances as the measure of differences have been chosen, which can be defined as [14].

Definition 4

The Hamming Distance HD(\(T_i,T_j\)) (HD) between two binary vectors \(T_i\) and \(T_j\) is calculated as a weight \(w(T_i \oplus T_j)\) (number of ones) of vector \(T_i \oplus T_j\).

$$\begin{aligned} HD(T_i,T_j)=w(T_i \oplus T_j) = \sum _{l=0}^{N-1}(t_{i,l} \oplus t_{j,l}). \end{aligned}$$

Definition 5

The Cartesian Distance CD(\(T_i,T_j\)) (CD) between two binary vectors \(T_i\) and \(T_j\) is given by:

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm {CD}(T_i,T_j)= & {} \sqrt{(t_{i,0}-t_{j,0})^2 + (t_{i,1}-t_{j,1})^2\ + {\ldots } +\ (t_{i,N-1}-t_{j,N-1})^2} \nonumber \\= & {} \sqrt{|t_{i,0}-t_{j,0}| + |t_{i,1}-t_{j,1}|\ + {\ldots } +\ |t_{i,N-1}-t_{j,N-1}|} \\= & {} \sqrt{\mathrm {HD}(T_i,T_j)}. \nonumber \end{aligned}$$

The antirandom testing scheme attempts to keep testing procedure as efficient as possible, taking into account the hypothesis that if two patterns have only a small distance between them then the sets of faults encountered by the two patterns is likely to have a number of faults in common. Conversely, if the distance between two patterns is large, then the set of faults detected by one is likely to contain only a few of the faults detected by the other [14, 29]. For the set of more then two test patterns the next definitions have been proposed [14].

Definition 6

Total Hamming Distance (THD), Total Cartesian Distance (TCD) for any pattern \(T_i\) is the sum of its Hamming (Cartesian) distances with respect to all previous patterns \(T_0, T_1, T_2, {\ldots }\, , T_{i-1}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \mathrm {THD(T_i)} = \sum _{j=0}^{i-1}{\mathrm {HD}(T_i,T_j)},\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \mathrm {TCD(T_i)} = \sum _{j=0}^{i-1}{\mathrm {CD}(T_i,T_j)}. \end{aligned}$$

Definition 7

Maximal Distance Antirandom Test (MDAT) is a test such that each pattern \(T_i\) is chosen to make the total distance THD or TCD between \(T_i\) and patterns \(T_0, T_1, T_2, {\ldots }\, , T_{i-1}\) maximal.

The main properties of MHDAT and MCDAT are the following:

any permutation the patterns bits \(t_{i,j}\) within the antirandom test T MHDAT (MCDAT) for all i patterns simultaneously will results in new MHDAT (MCDAT) antirandom test [14, 29],

any MHDAT (MCDAT) will always contain complementary pair of patterns, i.e. \(T_{2k}\) will always be followed by \(T_{2k+1}\) which is complementary for all bits in \(T_{2k}\) where \(k=1, 2, {\ldots }\, , \) [14, 29].

Above presented properties allow reducing the complexity of MHDAT (MCDAT) generation but, for general case, unfortunately the basic antirandom method essentially requires enumeration of the input space and computation of distances for each potential input pattern [14, 29]. Even for improved version of the method computations, it becomes too expensive for real dimension N of the test patterns [16].

3 Optimal Controlled Random Test Generation

The key feature of controlled random test generation is the information obtained from the test and used for the current pattern \(T_i\) generation.

As shown in the previous section, the controlled random tests are generated based on a restricted number of metrics, including the Hamming distance between two patterns \(T_i\) and \(T_j\) (HD\((T_i,T_j)\)), the Cartesian distance (CD\((T_i,T_j)\)), the total Hamming distance for the next test pattern \(T_i\) (THD\((T_i)\)), the total Cartesian distance (TCD\((T_i)\)), the total Hamming distance for the test T (THD(T)), and the total Cartesian distance (TCD(T)) [14, 28, 29]. These metrics are used for proposed greedy-like methods of controlled random test generation [14, 16, 25, 28,29,30]. In all these algorithms, the best immediate, or local, solution has been taken to reach a globally optimal solution. The optimal choice at each stage based on simple metrics has been performed with the hope of finding the global optimum. The greedy-like algorithm was the only solution for controlled random test generation because it is faster than other optimization methods, like dynamic programming for example.

Based on the presented metrics, an optimal controlled random test (OCRT) will be constructed. Step by step, starting from one test pattern \(T_0\), the consecutive patterns will be selected in terms of adopted earlier metrics according to the greedy-like algorithm.

At the beginning, the first test pattern \(T_0\) is chosen as any arbitrary random N-bit binary vector out of \(2^N\) possible. For example, let \(T_0=000{\ldots }0\). This does not result in any loss of generality [14, 16, 28].

As the second pattern \(T_1\), according to all metrics, an optimal value is the complement of \(T_0\), then \(T_1 = \overline{T}_0\), and \(T = \{T_0, T_1\}\) for the previously adopted example \(T_1=111{\ldots }1\). The optimality of this choice is supported by the maximal values of all metrics: HD\((T_0,T_1)\) = THD\((T_1)\) = THD\((T) = N\), and CD\((T_0,T_1) =\) TCD\((T_1) =\) TCD\((T) =\sqrt{N}\).

To obtain the third pattern \(T_2\), the HD\((T_i,T_j)\) and CD\((T_i,T_j)\) measures cannot be used because the maximization of this value leads to the confusing result that \(T_2 = T_0\). That is why, in our investigation, both characteristics will not be used. The same conclusion can be made for THD\((T_i)\) and THD(T). It follows from the fact that for \(T = \{T_0, T_1, T_2\}\), where \(T_1 = \overline{T}_0\), any value of \(T_2\) gives THD\((T_2) = N\) and THD\((T) = 2N\). It should be noticed that, even in cases \(T_2=T_0\) and \(T_2=T_1\), these metrics have the same values THD\((T_2) = N\) and THD\((T) = 2N\).

As the candidate for the third optimal pattern \(T_2\), any pattern that satisfies to the next relations \(T_2 \ne T_0\) and \(T_2 \ne T_1\) can be chosen. For example, we take \(T_2\) with HD\((T_0,T_2) = Z\), then HD\((T_1,T_2) = N-Z\). For Cartesian functions, the following results are TCD\((T_i)\) = CD\((T_0,T_2)\) + CD\((T_1,T_2)\)=\(\sqrt{Z} + \sqrt{N-Z}\), TCD(T)=CD\((T_0,T_1)\) + CD\((T_0,T_2)\) + CD\((T_1,T_2)\) =\(\sqrt{N} + \sqrt{Z} + \sqrt{N-Z}\). Then, maxTCD\((T_i)\) and maxTCD(T) can be achieved as the solution \(Z=N/2\) of the equation \(\delta (\sqrt{Z} + \sqrt{N-Z})/\delta Z=0\). For further investigation, suppose that N is an even number, so that, in our example, the first N / 2 bits of pattern \(T_2 =000{\ldots }01111\) take the value 0, and the rest take value 1.

To summarize the third pattern construction, it is quite important to emphasize that, for our test \(T = \{T_0, T_1, T_2\} = \{000{\ldots }0, 111{\ldots }1, 000{\ldots }0111{\ldots }1\}\), the next patterns (fourth, fifth, and so on) should be selected from the set of patterns with the weight \(w(T_i)=N/2\) due to the maximum values of TCD\((T_2)=2\sqrt{N/2}\) and TCD\((T)=\sqrt{N} + 2\sqrt{N/2} \) for three pattern tests T. In this case, for new consecutive pattern \(T_i\), the Hamming distances HD\((T_i,T_0)\) and HD\((T_i,T_1)\) have the values N / 2, which allow for TCD\((T_i)\) and TCD(T) maximization.

According to the previous discussion, as the potential fourth pattern, \(T_3\) is the pattern with the weight \(w(T_3)=N/2\) and should maximize the value of TCD\((T_3)\) and TCD(T). The obvious solution exists, namely, \(T_3=\overline{T}_2\) and for our example \(T_3=111{\ldots }1000{\ldots }0\).

The same result can be obtained based on the FAR algorithm [25]. According to this algorithm, using three previous patterns \(T_0 = 000{\ldots }0\), \(T_1 = 111{\ldots }1\) and \(T_2 = 000{\ldots }0111{\ldots }1\), a centroid pattern will be obtained \(C = c_{N-1}, c_{N-2}, {\ldots }\,, c_2, c_1, c_0 =1/3, 1/3, 1/3, {\ldots }\,, 1/3, 2/3, 2/3, 2/3, {\ldots }\,, 2/3\). Thus, the FAR algorithm creates a binary centroid pattern 000...01111 [25]. At the final step of the FAR algorithm, a new anti-random pattern \(T_3=111{\ldots }10000\) is constructed by complementing each bit of the binary centroid pattern.

For the pattern \(T_3\), the total Cartesian distance is TCD\((T_3)=\sqrt{N} + 2\sqrt{N/2}\) and TCD\((T)=2\sqrt{N} + 4\sqrt{N/2} \) for four pattern tests T.

This procedure can be generalized for the following steps. At all consecutive stages, the next pattern will be chosen to maximize two metrics TCD\((T_i)\) and TCD(T). When pattern \(T_i\) with an even subscript number \(i \in \{0, 2, 4,{\ldots }\,,2k-2\}\) is chosen, the following relation should be true:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} max\mathrm {TCD}(T_i) = i \times \sqrt{N/2} \\ max\mathrm {TCD}(T) = (i/2) \times \sqrt{N} + (i^2 /2) \times \sqrt{N/2}. \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The pattern with the even subscript i is chosen so that HD\((T_i,T_j)=N/2\) between pattern \(T_i\) and all previous patterns \(T_j, j<i\). The pattern with an odd subscript \(i \in \{1, 3, {\ldots }\,,2k-1\}\) is the complement value of the previous pattern with an even subscript (i.e., \(T_i=\overline{T}_{i-1}\)). Then, both metrics are

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} max\mathrm {TCD}(T_i) = \sqrt{N} + (i-1) \times \sqrt{N/2} \\ max\mathrm {TCD}(T) =((i+1)/2) \times \sqrt{N} + ((i^2 - 1)/2) \times \sqrt{N/2}. \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

As an example, we take \(N=2^m\), then the number q of patterns within the OCRT \(T = \{T_0, T_1, T_2,{\ldots }\, T_{q-1}\}\) equals \(2(m+1)\). For \(m=3\), OCRT consisting of \(2(m+1) = 2(3+1) = 8\) patterns with both metrics (\(max\mathrm {TCD}(T_i)\) and \(max\mathrm {TCD}(T)\) are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Optimal controlled random test for \(q=8\).

For the general case, the number OCRT patterns is calculated as \(q=2(\lceil log_2N \rceil +1)\), and the constructive algorithm for pattern generation is presented in [7].

The presented procedure of OCRT construction, based on the greedy-like algorithm, is the best solution that can be obtained according to the procedure of all known algorithms for controlled random test generation, namely, anti-random test generation [14], fast anti-random test generation [25], orderly random test construction [28], and numerous modifications, like the maximal distance anti-random test, maximal Hamming distance test, and so on.

To summarize, the optimal controlled random test generation (Algorithm 1) for construction of OCRT for \(N=2^m\) is proposed. By optimal controlled random test we understand the set of test patterns where each pattern is chosen such that its total distance (TCD\((T_i)\) and TCD(T)) from all previous patterns is the greatest possible value.

figure a

It should be mentioned that column reordering for any matrix does not change the value of the Hamming distance between any two rows (patterns), which follows from the Eq. (1). We consider the random matrix M with three rows and four columns and the matrix \({{M}_{1}^{*}}\) that is obtained by column reordering from the matrix M.

figure b

We notice that the value of the Hamming distance between any two rows of matrix M equals the distance between corresponding rows of matrix \({{M}_{1}^{*}}\):

  • \(HD(T_0,T_1) = HD({T}_0^*,{T}_1^*) = 3\),

  • \(HD(T_0,T_2) = HD({T}_0^*,{T}_2^*) = 3\)

  • \(HD(T_1,T_2) = HD({T}_1^*,{T}_2^*) = 2\).

The same observation can be made for the operation used in Step 4 of Algorithm 1. Let us again consider the random matrix M, the random pattern \(T_r\), and the matrix \({M}_2^*\), where each row is bit-wise exclusive of the corresponding row of matrix M and pattern T.

figure c

We again notice that the value of the Hamming distance between any two rows of matrix M equals the distance between the corresponding rows of matrix \({M}_2^*\):

  • \(HD(T_0,T_1) = HD({T}_0^*,{T}_1^*) = 3\),

  • \(HD(T_0,T_2) = HD({T}_0^*,{T}_2^*) = 3\)

  • \(HD(T_1,T_2) = HD({T}_1^*,{T}_2^*) = 2\).

We conclude that Steps 2–4 of the Algorithm 1 do not affect the main characteristic of the test patterns generated in Step 1. However, at the same time, the above steps allow us to generate different sets of test patterns characterized by maximum distances between the patterns. We can use those patterns to effectively detect different sorts of faults, for example, pattern sensitive faults in RAM.

Now, as an example, we generate OCRT for \(N=2^m=2^3\) using Algorithm 1,

Table 2. Masks vector matrices \(M^*\) for \(m=3\)

Example 3.1

OCRT generating for \(N=2^m=2^3\)

  1. 1.

    Initial matrix M with \(N=8\) columns and \(q=8\) rows is constructed, so that \(M_0=00000000\) and \(M_1=11111111\). The new \(M_2\) row is obtained from \(M_0\) by the dividing it on two blocks: one with all zero code and the second with all ones, where \(M_3\) is the complement value of \(M_2\), The next rows of matrices M (\(M_4\), ..., \(M_7\)) are obtained in the same way (see Table 1).

  2. 2.

    Mask vector matrices \(M^*\), as a result of column reordering of M (Table 1) are presented in Table 2.

  3. 3.

    If the randomly chosen \(N = 8\)-bit pattern is \(P = 01111010\), then \(T_0 = P = 01111010\).

  4. 4.

    Each new i-th pattern \(T_1, T_2, T_3, {\ldots }\,, T_7\) is the bit-wise exclusive or sum \(T_i = P \oplus M^*_i\), where \(M^*_i\) is taken from Table 2.

  5. 5.

    All \(q=2(m+1)=8\) patterns for OCRT are presented in Table 3 with the corresponding values of the metrics.

   \(\blacksquare \)

Table 3. OCRT patterns for \(m=3\)

The brief analyses demonstrate that the presented procedure can construct a set of OCRT depending on the initial pattern P. For the general case, the number of OCRT patterns is calculated as \(q=2(\lceil log_2N \rceil +1)\), and the algorithm for OCRT pattern generation is slightly different for the mask vector matrix generation.

The proposed algorithm seems to be efficient in terms of computation complexity. For any value of N, the most difficult procedure is the mask vector matrix (M) generation and performing column reordering to obtain \(M^*\). Indeed, increasing N by two times needs only two additional rows for M. Then, the new M is constructed so that all N-bit rows for the previous M are extended to 2N bits using the simple doubling of all blocks with the same values 0 or 1 and adding two final rows \(M_{2m-2} = 010101{\ldots }01\) and \(M_{2m-1} = 101010{\ldots }10\).

4 Experimental Results

Finally, to confirm the proposed solution we have compared the coverage of several controlled random tests strategy (OCRT, pure antirandom tests [14], concatenated antirandom tests [14], STPG [22]) and random one in terms of number of generated binary combinations for all arbitrary k out of N bits. Using different methods, we had generated test sets consisting of eight test patterns and then we compared their coverage with each other. In the case of pure antirandom tests THD was used as a fitness function whilst concatenated antirandom vectors were employed from Example 7 in [14]. Due to the fact that the authors of STPG algorithm have not indicated how to determine the adding factors [22], a random value was used. The experiments have been done for \(k=3\) and \(k=4\). The obtained results are shown in the Fig. 1a and b. The x-axis represents the number of the test patterns, and the y-axis – the number (in percent) of binary combinations for all arbitrary \(k=3\) and k=4 out of \(N=64\) bits. For Fig. 1, we observe that all coverages curves rise sharply and them exhibits a smooth behavior. We observe high efficiency of OCRT especially for the first few patterns of the test. At the end of the test process OCRT gives us the same or slightly lower (see Fig. 1b) level of fault coverage as in case of pure antirandom patterns. The same time we should noted that OCRT is characterized by easier computational method in compare to other analyzed techniques. Most known antirandom techniques still need a lot of resources (strong CPU for computation of distances between vectors, additional memory to collect generated vectors, etc.) that may be unavailable in case of embedded systems and BIST technique.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The coverage of all arbitrary k out of N bits for different antirandom test schemes: (a) k=3 and N=64, (b) k=4 and N=64

5 Conclusions

In the paper a new approach called as Optimal Controlled Random Test has been introduced. It uses previously adopted metrics attempting to make all known Greedy like controlled random testing more effective. Unlike the known solutions the new approach keeps the distances TCD\((T_i)\) and TCD(T) as large as possible. Both experimental and analytical investigation clearly show the high efficiency of proposed solution especially for the first few iterations of the multi-run test. However the OCRT has an obvious advantageous compare with all known methods. It is more efficient in terms of computation complexity.