Modern distributed applications are typically obtained by integrating new code with legacy (and possibly untrusted) third-party services. Some recent works have proposed to discipline the interaction among these services through behavioural contracts. The idea is a dynamic discovery and composition of services, where only those with compliant contracts can interact, and their execution is monitored to detect and sanction contract breaches. In this setting, a service is said honest if it always respects the contracts it advertises. Being honest is crucial, because it guarantees a service not to be sanctioned; further, compositions of honest services are deadlock-free. However, developing honest programs is not an easy task, because contracts must be respected even in the presence of failures (whether accidental or malicious) of the context. In this paper we present Diogenes, a suite of tools which supports programmers in writing honest Java programs. Through an Eclipse plugin, programmers can write a specification of the service, verify its honesty, and translate it into a skeletal Java program. Then, they can refine this skeleton into proper Java code, and use the tool to verify that its honesty has not been compromised by the refinement.
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1 Introduction
Developing modern distributed applications is a challenging task: programmers have to reliably compose loosely-coupled services which can dynamically discover and invoke other services through open networks, and may be subject to failures and attacks. Unless these services are implemented in a decentralized manner (e.g., as smart contracts in Ethereum or Contractvm [11, 13]), they will be under the governance of mutually distrusting providers, possibly competing among each other. Typically, these providers offer little or no guarantees about the services they control, and in particular they reserve the right to change the service code (if not the Service Level Agreement tout court) at their discretion.
Therefore, to guarantee the reliability and security of distributed applications, one cannot directly apply standard analysis techniques for programming languages (like e.g., type systems or model checking). Indeed, these analysis techniques usually need to inspect the code of the whole application, while under the given assumptions one can only reason about the services under their control. In particular, compositional verification based on choreographies [1, 16] is not suitable in this setting, because to ensure the correctness of the whole application, all its components have to be verified.
From Service-Oriented to Contract-Oriented Computing. A possible countermeasure to these issues is to use contracts to regulate the interaction between services. By advertising a contract, a service commits itself to respect a given behaviour when, after stipulation, it will interact with others. In this setting, a service infrastructure acts as a trusted third party, which collects all the advertised contracts, and establishes sessions between participants with compliant ones. Participants can then interact through sessions, by sending and receiving messages as required by their contracts (or even choosing to violate them, if they find this choice more convenient). An actual implementation of this paradigm is the middleware in [5], which offers a set of APIs through which services can advertise, stipulate, and execute contracts (based on binary session types [14]).
To incentivize honest behaviour, contract-oriented infrastructures monitor all the messages exchanged among services, to sanction those which do not respect their contracts. Sanctions can be of different nature: e.g., pecuniary compensations, adaptations of the service binding [19], or they can decrease the reputation of a service whenever it violates a contract, in order to marginalize dishonest services in the selection phase [5].
Experimental evidence about the programming paradigm and incentive mechanisms of [5] shows that contract-orientation can mitigate the effort of handling potential misbehaviour of external services, at the cost of a tolerable loss in efficiency due to the contract-based service selection and monitoring.
Honesty Attacks. The sanction mechanism of contract-oriented services allows a new kind of attacks: adversaries can try to exploit possible discrepancies between the promised and the actual behaviour of a service, in order to make it sanctioned. For instance, consider a naïve online store with the following behaviour:
advertise a contract to “receive an
from a client, and then either
the ordered item or
the transaction”;
wait to receive an
advertise a contract to “receive a
from a package delivery service, and then either
wait to receive a quote from the delivery service;
if the quote is below a certain threshold, then
the delivery and
to the client; otherwise,
both transactions.
Now, assume an adversary which plays the role of a delivery service, and never sends the . This makes the store violate its contract with the client: indeed, the store should either
, but these actions can only be performed after the delivery service has sent a
. Therefore, the store can be sanctioned.
Since these honesty attacks may compromise the service and cause economic damage to its provider, it is important to detect the underlying vulnerabilities before deployment. Intuitively, a service is vulnerable if, in some execution context, it does not respect some of the contracts it advertises. This may happen either unintentionally (because of errors in the service specification, or in its implementation), or even because of malicious behaviour. Therefore, to avoid sanctions a service must be able to respect all the contracts it advertises, in all possible contexts — even those populated by adversaries. We call this property honesty. Whenever compliance between contracts ensures their deadlock-freedom (as for the relations in [2, 3, 17, 20]), the honesty property can be lifted from contracts to services: systems of honest services are deadlock-free (Theorem 6 in [9]).
Some recent works have studied honesty at the specification level, using the process calculus CO2 for modelling contract-oriented services [6, 8, 9]. Practical experience with CO2 has shown that writing honest specifications is not an easy task, especially when a service has to juggle with multiple sessions. The reason of this difficulty lies in the fact that, to devise an honest specification, a designer has to anticipate all the possible moves of the context, but at design time he does not yet know in which context his service will be run. Hence, tools to automate the verification of honesty in CO2 may be of great help.
A further obstacle to the development of honest services is that, even if we start from an honest CO2 specification, it is still possible that honesty is not preserved when refining the specification into an actual implementation. Analysis techniques for checking honesty at the level of the implementation are therefore needed in order to develop reliable contract-oriented applications.
Contributions. To support programmers in the development of contract-oriented applications, we provide a suite of tools (named Diogenes) with the following features: (i) writing CO2 specifications of services within an Eclipse plugin; (ii) verifying honesty of these specifications; (iii) generating from them skeletal Java programs which use the contract-oriented APIs of the middleware in [5]; (iv) verifying the honesty of Java programs upon refinement. We validate our tools by applying them to all the case studies in [6]: in particular, we specify each of these case studies in CO2, and we successfully verify the honesty of both the specifications and their Java refinements. Overall, we can execute these verified services using the middleware in [5], being guaranteed that they will not incur in sanctions, and that interactions with other honest services will be deadlock-free. Our tools, the case studies, and a tutorial are available at co2.unica.it/diogenes.
2 Diogenes in a Nutshell
In this section we show the main features of our tools with the help of a small example. Suppose we want to implement an online store which receives orders from customers, and relies upon external distributors to retrieve items.
Contracts. The store has two contracts: C specifies the interaction with customers, and D with distributors. In C, the store declares that it will wait for an , and then send either the corresponding
or an
message (e.g., in case the ordered item is not available). The answer may depend on an external distributor service, which waits for a
uest, and then answers
. We specify these two contracts as the following binary session types [15]:
Receive actions are marked with the symbol ? and grouped by +; instead, send actions are marked with ! and grouped by (+). The symbol . denotes sequential composition. We specify the sort of a message (,
, or
) after the action label; sort
is used for pure synchronization, and it can be omitted.
Specification. A naïve CO2 specification of our store is the following:
At line , the store advertises the contract C, and then waits until a session is established with some customer; when this happens, the variable x is bound to the session name. At line
the store waits to receive an
, binding it to the variable v. At line
the store advertises the contract D to establish a session y with a distributor; at line
, it sends a
uest with the value v. Finally, the store waits to receive a response
from the distributor, and accordingly responds
to the customer (lines
). The sent amount
is placeholder, to be replaced upon refinement. The internal action
at line
models a timeout, fired in case no response is received from the distributor.
Our tool correctly detects that this specification is dishonest, outputting:
There are two causes for dishonesty. First, if the session y is never established (e.g., because no distributor is available), the store is stuck at line and cannot fulfil C at session x ($0 in the output message). Second, if the distributor response arrives after the timeout (line
), the store does not consume its input, and so it does not respect the contract D at session y ($1 in the output message).
A possible way to fix the previous specification is the following:
The primitive at line
ensures that if the session x is not established within a given deadline (immaterial in the specification) the contract D is retracted, and the control passes to line
. Further, in the timeout branch we have added a parallel execution of a
to consume orphan inputs (line
). Now the tool correctly detects that the revised specification is honest.
An Execution Context. We now show a possible context wherein to execute our online store. Although the context is not needed for checking the honesty of the store, we use it to complete the presentation of the primitives of CO2.
The contracts of the Buyer (lines ) and that of the Distributor (line
) are compliant with the contracts C and D advertised by the store. The Buyer uses the statement
to advertise its contract: it does not wait the session is established, but postpone the waiting phase until it is strictly required (line
in this case), although the session could be already started in the meantime. The Distributor uses a conditional statement (with a dummy guard
) to choose whether accepting or not the store request.
Code Generation and Refinement. Diogenes translates CO2 specifications into Java skeletons, using the APIs of the middleware in [5]. For instance, from the StoreHonest specification given above, it generates the following skeletonFootnote 1:
We use Java exceptions to deal with both the and
primitives: the ContractExpiredException is thrown by line
if the session y is not established within a given timeout (10 s), while the TimeExpiredException is thrown by line
if a message is not received within the timeout. The parallel method at lines
starts a new thread which executes the given Runnable instance. The timeout values, as well as the order amount at line
, are just placeholders; in an actual implementation of the store service, we may want to delegate the computation of amount to a separated method, e.g.:
and change the placeholder intP at line with getOrderAmount(v). The method could read the order amount from a file or a database, and suppose that each possible exception is caught and hidden behind MyException. The failure of this method can be considered non-deterministic, so we need to “instruct” our verification tool in order to consider all the possible ways the method can terminate. To this purpose, we provide the annotation @SkipMethod(value="<value>"), interpreted by the checker as follows: (i) assumes that the method does not perform any action directed to the middleware; (ii) considers <value> as the returning value on success; (iii) considers the declared exceptions as possible exit points on failure. Diogenes can symbolically consider both the case of a normal method termination and all the possible exceptional terminations.
Verification. We can check the honesty of a Java program through the static method HonestyChecker.isHonest(StoreHonest.class), which returns one of the following values:
HONEST: the tool has inferred a CO2 specification and verified its honesty;
DISHONEST: as above, but the inferred CO2 specification is inferred, but it is dishonest;
UNKNOWN: the tool has been unable to infer a CO2 specification, e.g. because of unhandled exceptions within the class under test.
For our refined store, the Java honesty checker returns UNKNOWN and outputs:
This means that if the method getOrderAmount fails, then the program will terminate abruptly, and so the store may violate the contract. We can recover honesty by catching MyException with x.sendIfAllowed("abort"). With this modification, the Java honesty checker correctly outputs HONEST.
3 Architecture
Diogenes has three main components: an honesty checker for CO2, an honesty checker for Java, and an Eclipse plugin which integrates the two checkers with an editor of CO2 specifications. We sketch the architecture of our tools in Fig. 1.
The CO2 honesty checker implements the verification technique introduced in [6]. This technique is built upon an abstract semantics of CO2 which approximates both values (sent, received, and in conditional expressions) and the actual context wherein a process is executed. This abstraction is a sound over-approximation of honesty: namely, if the abstraction of a process is honest, then also the concrete one is honest. Further, in the fragment of CO2 without conditional statements the analysis is also complete, i.e. if a concrete process is honest, then also its abstraction is honest. For processes without delimitation/parallel under process definitions, the associated abstractions are finite-state, hence we can verify their honesty by model checking a (finite) state space. For processes outside this class the analysis is still correct, but it may not terminate; indeed, a negative result in [9] excludes the existence of algorithms for honesty that are at the same time sound, complete, and terminating in full CO2. Our implementation first translates a CO2 process into a Maude term [10], and then uses the Maude LTL model checker [12] to decide honesty of its abstract semantics.
The Java honesty checker is built on top of Java PathFinder (JPF, [18, 21]). The JPF core is a virtual machine for Java bytecode that can be configured to act as a model checker. We define suitable listeners to catch the requests to the contract-oriented middleware [5], and to simulate all the possible responses that the application can receive from it. Through JPF we symbolically execute and backtrack the program, and eventually we infer a CO2 specification that over-approximates its behaviour. Then, we apply the CO2 honesty checker to establish the honesty of the Java program. The accuracy of the inferred CO2 specification partially relies on the programmer: the methods involved in the application logic have to be correctly annotated, and in particular they have to declare all possible exceptions that can be thrown at runtime.
The Eclipse plugin supports writing CO2 specifications, providing syntax highlighting, code auto-completion, syntactic/semantic checks, and static type checking on sort usage. It relies on Xtext (www.eclipse.org/Xtext), a framework for developing programming languages, and on Xsemantics (xsemantics.sourceforge.net), a domain-specific language for writing type systems.
4 Conclusions
Diogenes fills a gap between foundational research on honesty [6, 8, 9] and more practical research on contract-oriented programming [5]. Its effectiveness can be improved in several ways, ranging from the precision of the analysis, to the informative quality of output messages provided by the honesty checkers.
The accuracy of the honesty analysis could be improved e.g., by implementing the type checking technique of [7], which can correctly classify the honesty of some forms of infinite-state of processes (while the current honesty checker is only guaranteed to terminate for processes without delimitation/parallel within recursion). Another form of improvement would be to extend the analysis to deal with timing constraints. This could be done e.g. by exploiting the timed version of CO2 proposed in [5] and the timed session types of [4]. Although the current analysis for honesty does not consider timing constraints, it may give useful feedback also when applied to timed specifications. For instance, it could detect that some prescribed actions cannot be performed because the actions they depend on may be blocked by an unresponsive context.
The error reporting facilities could be improved in several directions: e.g., it would be helpful for programmers to know which parts of the program make it dishonest, what are the contract obligations that are not fulfilled, and in what session. Further, it would be useful to suggest possible corrections to the designer.
Another direction for future work concerns relating the original CO2 specification with the refined Java code. In fact, our tools only guarantee that the Java skeleton generated from an (honest) CO2 specification is (honest and) coherent with the specification. If the programmer further refines the Java code, e.g. by removing some contract advertisements, then the Java honesty checker can still check that the resulting code is honest, but the coherence with the original specification may be lost. An additional static analysis could establish that the CO2 process inferred from the refined Java code by JPF is a (sort of) subtype of the original specification, and so that it can be safely used in the same contexts.
- 1.
Minor cosmetic changes are applied to improve readability.
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This work has been partially supported by Aut. Reg. of Sardinia P.I.A. 2013 “NOMAD”, and by EU COST Action IC1201 “Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems” (BETTY).
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Atzei, N., Bartoletti, M. (2016). Developing Honest Java Programs with Diogenes. In: Albert, E., Lanese, I. (eds) Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems. FORTE 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 9688. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39570-8_4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-39570-8_4
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-39569-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-39570-8
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