The employment setting for autistic individuals in the USA is grim. Based on reports, individuals with ASD struggle to secure and retain employment due to challenges in communicating and collaborating with others in workplace settings which is often attributed to their social skills deficit. Current programs that support collaborative skills development in vocational settings rely on manual evaluation and feedback by human observers, which can be resource straining and receptive to bias. Using a collaborative virtual environment (CVE) allows neurodiverse individuals to develop teamwork skills by working together with a neurotypical partner in a shared virtual space. An effective CVE system can provide real-time prompts by recognizing the user’s behavior to promote teamwork. As such, it is crucial to be able to automatically label both users’ behaviors. In this paper, we propose using K-means clustering to automate behavior labeling in a workplace CVE. The results show that K-means clustering enables high accuracy in predicting the user’s behavior, therefore, confirming that it can be used in future studies to support real-time prompts to encourage teamwork in a CVE.
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We are grateful for the support provided by NSF grants 1936970 and 2033413 as well as NSF NRT grant DGE 19-22697 for this research. We would also like to thank the Vanderbilt Treatment and Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD) team; Amy Weitlauf and Amy Swanson for their expert advice on interventions for autistic individuals and recruitments for the study. The authors are solely responsible for the contents and opinions expressed in this manuscript.
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Plunk, A., Amat, A.Z., Wilkes, D.M., Sarkar, N. (2023). Automated Behavior Labeling During Team-Based Activities Involving Neurodiverse and Neurotypical Partners Using Multimodal Data. In: Rousseau, JJ., Kapralos, B. (eds) Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges. ICPR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13643. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37660-3_14
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37660-3_14
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-37659-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-37660-3
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