A number of learned sparse and dense retrieval approaches have recently been proposed and proven effective in tasks such as passage retrieval and document retrieval. In this paper we analyze with a replicability study if the lessons learned generalize to the retrieval of responses for dialogues, an important task for the increasingly popular field of conversational search. Unlike passage and document retrieval where documents are usually longer than queries, in response ranking for dialogues the queries (dialogue contexts) are often longer than the documents (responses). Additionally, dialogues have a particular structure, i.e. multiple utterances by different users. With these differences in mind, we here evaluate how generalizable the following major findings from previous works are: (F1) query expansion outperforms a no-expansion baseline; (F2) document expansion outperforms a no-expansion baseline; (F3) zero-shot dense retrieval underperforms sparse baselines; (F4) dense retrieval outperforms sparse baselines; (F5) hard negative sampling is better than random sampling for training dense models. Our experiments (https://github.com/Guzpenha/transformer_rankers/tree/full_rank_retrieval_dialogues.)—based on three different information-seeking dialogue datasets—reveal that four out of five findings (F2–F5) generalize to our domain.
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- 1.
While for most benchmarks [52] we have only 10–100 candidates, a working system with the Reddit data from PolyAI https://github.com/PolyAI-LDN/conversational-datasets would need to retrieve from 3.7 billion responses.
- 2.
indicates that the finding does not hold in our domain whereas indicates that it holds in our domain followed by the necessary condition or exception.
- 3.
For example in Table 1 the last utterance is \(u^3\).
- 4.
A zero-shot is a model that does not have access to target data, cf. Table 2.
- 5.
Target data is data from the same distribution, i.e. dataset, of the evaluation dataset.
- 6.
A distinction can also be made of cross-encoders and bi-encoders, where the first encode the query and document jointly as opposed to separately [40]. Cross-encoders are applied in a re-ranking step due to their inefficiency and thus are not our focus.
- 7.
For example, while the TREC-DL-2020 passage and document retrieval tasks the queries have between 5–6 terms on average and the passages and documents have over 50 and 1000 terms respectively, for the information-seeking dialogue datasets used here the dialogue contexts (queries) have between 70 and 474 terms on average depending on the dataset while the responses (documents) have between 11 and 71.
- 8.
See for example the top models in terms of effectiveness from the MSMarco benchmark leaderboards https://microsoft.github.io/msmarco/.
- 9.
The special tokens \([U]\) and \([T]\) will not have any meaningful representation in the zero-shot setting, but they can be learned on the fine-tuning step.
- 10.
We refer to this loss as MultipleNegativesRankingLoss.
- 11.
MSDialog is available at https://ciir.cs.umass.edu/downloads/msdialog/; MANtIS is available at https://guzpenha.github.io/MANtIS/; UDCDSTC8 is available at https://github.com/dstc8-track2/NOESIS-II.
- 12.
We perform hyperparameter tuning using grid search on the number of expansion terms, number of expansion documents, and weight.
- 13.
The alternative models we considered are those listed in the model overview section at https://www.sbert.net/docs/pretrained_models.html.
- 14.
- 15.
As future work, more sophisticated techniques can be used to determine which parts of the dialogue context should be predicted.
- 16.
For the full description of the intermediate data see https://huggingface.co/sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2.
- 17.
Our experiments show that when we do not employ the intermediate training step the fine-tuned dense model does not generalize well, with row (3d) performance dropping to 0.172, 0.308 and 0.063 R@10 for MANtIS, MSDialog and UDCDSTC8 respectively.
- 18.
The results are not shown here due to space limitations.
- 19.
For example, if we retrieve \(k=100\) responses, instead of using responses from top positions 1–10, we use responses 91–100 from the bottom of the list.
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This research has been supported by NWO projects SearchX (639.022.722) and NWO Aspasia (015.013.027).
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Penha, G., Hauff, C. (2023). Do the Findings of Document and Passage Retrieval Generalize to the Retrieval of Responses for Dialogues?. In: Kamps, J., et al. Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13982. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28241-6_9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-28241-6_9
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
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