Erratum to: Local Binary Patterns for Still Images, pp. 13–47 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-748-8_2

The following reference:

89. Zhao, G., Ahonen, T., Matas, J., Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation invariant image and video description with local binary pattern features. Under review (2011)

should be updated as follows:

89. Zhao, G., Ahonen, T., Matas, J., Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation invariant image and video description with local binary pattern features. IEEE Trans. Image Process. (in press)

Erratum to: Spatiotemporal LBP, pp. 49–65 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-748-8_3

The following reference:

18. Zhao, G., Ahonen, T., Matas, J., Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation invariant image and video description with local binary pattern features. Under review (2011)

should be updated as follows:

18. Zhao, G., Ahonen, T., Matas, J., Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation invariant image and video description with local binary pattern features. IEEE Trans. Image Process. (in press)

Erratum to: Recognition and Segmentation of Dynamic Textures, pp. 109–125 DOI 10.1007/978-0-85729-748-8_7

  1. 1.

    The original version of the following reference is incorrect:

    9. Doretto, G., Chiuso, A., Wu, Y., Soatto, S.: Dynamic texture segmentation. In: Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 1236–1242 (2003)

    The correct reference is as follows:

    9. Doretto G., Cremers D., Favaro P., Soatto, S.: Dynamic texture segmentation. In: Proc. of the Ninth Intl. Conf. on Comp. Vision, pp. 1236–1242 (2003)

  2. 2.

    The citation should be “Doretto et al. (2003)” not “Doretto (2003)”.

  3. 3.

    The following reference:

    27. Zhao, G., Ahonen, T., Matas, J., Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation invariant image and video description with local binary pattern features. Under review (2011)

    should be updated as follows:

    27. Zhao, G., Ahonen, T., Matas, J., Pietikäinen, M.: Rotation invariant image and video description with local binary pattern features. IEEE Trans. Image Process. (in press)