Computer-aided tools can help to realize custom-fit products characterized by a strict interaction with human body and definitely improve quality of life, in particular of people with disabilities. The paper refers to this context and to a specific custom-fit product, the lower limb prosthesis. It presents an innovative framework centred on virtual models of the patient’s body, to design and configure lower limb prosthesis, both transfemoral and transtibial. The framework integrates virtual prototyping and knowledge-based tools to support the orthopaedic technician during all the steps of the lower limb prosthesis design, suggesting rules and procedures for each task. First, the considered product is introduced, and then, the new design framework is described as well as main steps and related tools, from socket modelling to standards component selection and final prosthesis assembly. Results of preliminary experimentation and final remarks conclude the paper.
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Buzzi, M., Colombo, G., Facoetti, G. et al. 3D modelling and knowledge: tools to automate prosthesis development process. Int J Interact Des Manuf 6, 41–53 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-011-0137-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-011-0137-5