A significant challenge in business process automation involves bridging the gap between business process representations and Web service technologies that implement business activities. We are interested in business process representations such as Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Event-Driven Process Chains (EPCs). Web service technologies include protocols such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), architectures such as REpresentational State Transfer (RESTful), or semantic description languages and formalisms such as Web Ontology Language for Services (OWL-S) and Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO). This paper reviews previous work on the integration of business process representations and Web service technologies. It provides a perspective on the field by summarizing, organizing, and classifying the proposed approaches. Consequently, this study has identified opportunities for future research in the field, including the need for a generic transformation approach among arbitrary models, the need to represent mappings in a formalized way, and the necessity of a common execution framework.
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- AML:
ARIS markup Language
- ATL:
Atlas Transformation Language
- BDD:
Binary Decision Diagram
- BPD:
Business Process Diagrams
Business Process Execution Language
BPEL for Web services
- BPM:
Business Process Management
Business Process Modeling Language
Business Process Modeling Notation
Business Process Modeling Ontology
- BPMsO:
The Business Process Modeling sub-Ontology
BPEL to BPMO transformation
BPMO to sBPEL transformation
- BWW:
- CSP:
Communicating Sequential Processes
DARPA Agent Markup Language for Services
- ebBPSS:
ebXML Business Process Specification Schema
- EPC:
Event-Driven Process Chains
EPC Markup language
EXPressing REstful semantic services
Fundamental Business Process Modeling Language
FBPML Process Language
- FDR:
Failures-Divergences Refinement
- GPO:
General Process Ontology
HTML for RESTful Services
- IDEF3:
Integration Definition 3
Interpreted Systems Programming Language
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Knowledge-intensive business services
Model Checker for Multi-Agent Systems
Organization for Advancement of Structured Information Standards
- OMG:
Object Management Group
- Onto-ITIL:
ITIL Ontology
- OWL:
Web Ontology Language
- OWL-S:
OWL for services
- oXPDL:
Ontology for XPDL
Protocol for Web Description Resources
Semantic POWDER
- PSL:
Process Specification Language
Representational State Transfer
- RESTful:
Conforming to REST constraints
RESTful Interface Definition and Declaration Language
Semantic Annotations for SA-REST
Semantic Annotations for WSDL
- sBPEL:
Semantic BPEL
Single-entry Single-exit
- SiTra:
Simple Transformer
- SMV:
Symbolic Model Verifier
Simple Object Access Protocol
- SOG:
Symbolic Observation Graph
- SOMsO:
Services Oriented Modeling sub-Ontology
Semantic Query-Enhanced Web Rule Language
Semantic Web Rule Language
Semantic Web Services Framework
Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
Web Application Description Language
Workflow Control Patterns
Web Services BPEL
Web Services Choreography Description Language
Web Service Description Language
Web Service Semantics (WSDL Semantics)
Web Service Modeling Language
Web Service Modeling Ontology
- XML:
Extensible markup language
XML Process Definition Language
eXtendable Stylesheet Language Transformation
Yet Another Workflow Language
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Grolinger, K., Capretz, M.A.M., Cunha, A. et al. Integration of business process modeling and Web services: a survey. SOCA 8, 105–128 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-013-0138-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-013-0138-2