A substantial increase in the number of surveillance camera systems has not delivered the promised deterrent effects or investigative case evidence and their usefulness has been underwhelming. A potential solution to practical camera monitor needs is computer vision (CV)-enhanced camera networks that can provide automated real-time video analysis, quick processing of monitor query-based searches, and accurate summaries of archived video files. The development and testing of four CV algorithms in computer vision laboratories is presented and implications from their possible adoption by security agencies on society are discussed.
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Monitor perception failure occurs when there is little visual change present in long video stream stretches and a monitor’s attention shifts to non-visual tasks such as conversations or daydreaming (Bredemeier and Simons 2012; Fougnie and Marois 2007; Mack and Rock 1998; Memmert 2006; Most et al. 2005; Sasse 2010). Monitoring video streams has been reported to significantly increase perceptual failure (Hyman et al. 2009; Most et al. 2005).
The first alternate approach (termed tubelets) utilized selective sampling to produce sequences of bounding boxes for action localization (Jain et al. 2014). The second competing approach, termed poselets, developed a relational model for action detection which initially decomposes human actions into temporal ‘key poses’ and then into spatial ‘action parts’ (Wang et al. 2014). Our method (T-CNN) was compared with these two prior state-of-the-art action detection approaches on our collected real-world action detection dataset including crime-related events/actions such as fighting, car accident, and robbery. The ROC curves of these approaches were plotted. At each False-Positive Rate, the higher the “True Positive Rate” the more accurately the method detects actions. From the results, our approach was superior to the two alternate CV approaches. However, our method sometimes also missed the real events. For example, when the event/action region is very small in the video due to long distance camera view, our method missed the detection due to limited information. False positives occur when events/actions are very similar in terms of appearance or motion like robbery and burglary. This would confuse the CV algorithm, leading to false positives for those actions such as labeling a robbery as a burglary. The figure below reflects that the T-CNN approach was superior to the two alternate CV approaches.
A few real-world action/event detection examples using the computer vision algorithm can be viewed from here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MINyHYIuotHTttUrjSKdCIKuR_LrW4eNCht_0kiDjgU/edit?usp=sharing.
The method generated a regression model such that anomalous video segment instances have higher anomaly R2 scores than the normal segments. The anomaly scores are not identical to the R2 values familiar to social science research, but they analogously vary between 0 and 1 with scores closer to one denoting more anomalous video clips. To manage output levels and avoid event swamping, threshold values can be chosen to decrease (closer to zero) or increase (closer to 1) the number of clips labeled as anomalies.
Recall refers to the accuracy of a method in discerning the actual number of correct events in a video, and precision refers to the number of misclassified instances. For example, if a query was to identify police cars in a video that contained 10 police cars (its’ ground truth), and 8 segments were identified as police cars, the recall percentage would be 8 of 10 or 80%. If 1 of 8 identified police cars were incorrect, the method’s precision rate would be 1 of 8 or 12.5%. In practical terms, the goal is to maximize the recall rate and minimize the precision error.
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Chen, C., Surette, R. & Shah, M. Automated monitoring for security camera networks: promise from computer vision labs. Secur J 34, 389–409 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41284-020-00230-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41284-020-00230-w