
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Malware, or malicious software with harmful intent to compromise computer systems, is one of the major challenges to the Internet. Over the past years, the ecosystem of malware has evolved dramatically from “for-fun” activities to a profit-driven underground market [3], where malware developers sell their products and cyber-criminals can simply purchase access to tens of thousands of malware-infected hosts for nefarious purposes [1]. Normally malware developers do not write new code from scratch, but choose to update old code with new features or obfuscation methods [23]. With thousands of malware instances appearing every day, efficiently processing large quantity of malware samples which exhibit similar behavior, has become increasingly important. A key step to improve efficiency is to define discriminative specifications or signatures that faithfully describe intrinsic malicious intents, so that malware samples with similar functionalities tend to share common specifications. Malware analysts benefit from general specifications. For example, every time a suspicious program is found in the wild, malware analysts can quickly determine whether it belongs to a previous known family by matching its specification.

As malware keeps evolving to evade detection, the classical syntactic specifications are insufficient to defeat various obfuscation techniques, such as polymorphism [21], binary packing [31] and self-modifying code [12]. In contrast, behavior-based specifications, which are generated during malware execution, are more resilient to static obfuscation methods and able to disclose the natural behavior of malware, such as replication, download and execution and remote injection. The main means for malware to interact with an operating system is through system callsFootnote 1. The dataflow dependencies among system calls are expressed as an acyclic graph, namely system calls dependency graph (SCDG), where nodes represent system calls executed and a directed edge indicates a data flow between two nodes. Typically, the dependencies derive from the return value or the arguments computed by previous system calls. When a data source is passed to one of its succeeding native APIs, a directed edge connecting these two nodes is created. Since data flow dependencies are hard to be reordered, SCDG has been broadly accepted as a reliable abstraction of malware behavior [15, 18], and widely employed in malware detection [6, 20] and malware scalable clustering [7, 28].

With quite a number of compelling applications, SCDG looks promising. However, it is not impossible to circumvent. In order to inspire more state-of-the-art malware analysis techniques, we exploit the limitations of the current approaches and present replacement attacks against malware behavior specifications. We show that it is possible to automatically conceal similar behavior specifications among malware variants by replacing a SCDG to its semantically equivalent one, so that similar malware variants show large distances and therefore are assigned to different families. Eventually, malware analysts have to re-analyze large number of malware samples exhibiting similar functionalities. To achieve this goal, we first mine two large data sets to identify popular system calls and OS objects dependencies. We summarize two general attacking strategies to replace SCDG: (1) mutate a sequence of dependent system calls (sub-SCDG) to its equivalent ones, and (2) insert redundant data flow dependent system calls. Our approach ensures that the new generating dependence relationships are so common that they cannot be easily recognized. After transformation, similar malware samples reveal large distance when they are measured with widely used similarity metrics, such as graph edit distance [13] or Jaccard Index [11]. As a result, subsequent analyses (e.g., malware detection and clustering) are misled.

To demonstrate the feasibility of replacement attacks, we have developed a compiler-level prototype, API Replacer, to automatically perform transformation on top of the LLVM framework [22] and Microsoft Visual Studio. Given a single malware source code, API Replacer is able to generate multiple malware binaries, and each one exhibits different behavior specifications. We evaluate our replacement attacks on a variety of real malware samples with different replacement ratio. Our experimental result shows that our approach successfully impede malware similarity comparison and state-of-the-art behavior-based malware clustering. The cost of transformation is low and the execution overhead after transformation is moderate.

In summary, we make the following contributions:

  • We propose replacement attacks to camouflage similar behavior specifications among malware variants by replacing system call dependence graphs.

  • We summarize the rules for equivalent replacements by mining large set of malware samples. The distilled attacking strategies tangle structure of system call dependency as well as behavior feature set without affecting semantics.

  • We automate replacement attacks by developing a compiler-level prototype to perform source to binary transformation. The experimental results demonstrate our approach is effective.

  • To the best of our knowledge, we are the first one to demonstrate the feasibility of automatically obfuscating behavior based malware clustering on real malware samples.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces previous work on behavior based malware analysis. Section 3 describes in detail about how to generate replacement attacks rules with a case study. Section 4 highlights some of our implementation choices. We present the evaluation of our approach in Sect. 5. Possible counter-measures are discussed in Sect. 6 and we conclude the paper in Sect. 7.

2 Related Work

In this section we first present previous work on behavior based malware analysis, which is related to our work in that their methods rely on system call sequences or graphs that a malware sample invokes. Then, we introduce previous research on impeding malware dynamic analysis. In principle, our approach belongs to this category. At last we describe related work on system call API obfuscation, which is close in spirit to our approach.

Behavior Based Malware Analysis. Malware dynamic analysis techniques are characterized by analyzing the actual executing instructions of a program or the effects that this program brings to the operating system. Compared with static technique, dynamic analysis is less vulnerable to various code obfuscation [26]. Christodorescu et al. [15] introduce malware specifications on data-flow dependencies among system calls, which capture true relationships between system calls and are hard to be circumvented by random system call injection. Since then, such malware specifications based on SCDG have been widely used in malware analysis tasks, such as extracting malware discriminative feature by mining the difference between malware behavior and benign program behavior [18], determining malware family in which instances share common functionalities [6, 7, 28], and detecting malicious behavior [8, 20, 25]. However, none of the presented approaches is explicitly designed to be resilient to our replacement attacks.

Anti-malware Behavior Analysis. Some countermeasures have been proposed to evade behavior based malware analysis. Since malware behavior analysis is typically performed in a controlled sandbox environment, the lion’s share of previous work focus on run time environment detection [14, 27]. If a malware sample detects itself running in a sandbox rather than real physical machine, it will not carry out any malicious behaviors. To defeat environment-sensitive malware, Dinaburg et al. [17] build a transparent analysis platform, which remains invisible to such sandbox environment check. Another direction relies on contrasting different executions of a malware sample when running in multiple sandboxes. The control flow deviations may indicate evasion attempts [19]. Our method does not detect sandbox and is valid in any run time environment. Our replacement attacks shares similar idea to subvert malware clustering with recent work [9, 10]. Our work is different from these previous works in that we attempt to obfuscate data flow dependencies between system calls, while the behavior features these works attack contain no data flow dependencies. As data relationships between behavior features are hard to be affected by random noise insertion, our attacking method is more challenging. Furthermore, these work evaluated their attacks by directly manipulating malware behavior feature set instead of malware code, which means their attacks may not be feasible in practice. In contrast, to demonstrate the feasibility of replacement attacks, we develop a compiler-level converter to transform malware source code to binary.

System Call Obfuscation. The original idea to obfuscate system call API can be traced to mimicry attack against intrusion detection [35]. Illusion [34] allows user-level malware to invoke kernel operations without calling the corresponding system calls. To launch the Illusion attack, the attacker has to install a malicious kernel module, which is not practical in many real attacking scenarios. Ma et al. [24] present shadow attacks by partitioning a malware sample into multiple shadow precesses and each shadow process presents no-recognizable malware behavior. But it’s still an open question to launch a multi-process malware sample covertly. Our proposed attack is inspired by Xin et al. [37]’s approach to subvert behavior based software birthmark. However, their attacking method is restricted to replacing a dependency edge with a new vertex and two new edges. As shown in Sect. 5.2, this simple attacking method only has limited effect on reducing Jaccard Index. In contrast, our approach provides multiple attacking strategies. In addition, Xin et al. [37]’s attack code is pre-loaded as a dynamic library when the program starts running. The drawback is it’s quite easy to detect such library interruption. Our API Replacer embeds newly added system calls into the native code transparently, so that our approach has better stealth.

3 Replacement Attacks Design

3.1 Overveiw

In spite of various metamorphic or polymorphic obfuscation, malware samples within the same family tend to reveal similar malicious behavior [23]. Our goal in this paper is to separate similar malware variants by replacing SCDG, the most prevalent expression to represent malware behavior specifications. Figure 1 shows an example of SCDG before/after replacement attacks. At the top of Fig. 1, we list pseudo code fragment written in MSVC for ease of understanding. In the original SCDG, the return value of “NtCreateFile” is a FileHandle (“hFile1”), denoting the new created file object. As hFile1 is passed to “NtClose”, a data flow dependency connects “NtCreateFile \(\rightarrow \) NtClose”. Windows API “SetFilePointer” in the new code moves the file pointer and returns new position, which is quite similar to “lseek” system call in Unix. The return value of “SetFilePointer” is equal to moving distance plus the offset of starting point, which is 0 (“FILE_BEGIN”) in this example. We exploit the fact that the data type of “hFile1” and the distance to move are both unsigned integers, and deliberately assign the distance to move with the same value of “hFile1” (line 2 in the new code). As a result, the return value of “SetFilePointer” (“dwFilePosition”), is equal to the “hFile1”. Then “dwFilePosition” is passed to “NtClose” to close the file. When calling “SetFilePointer”, native API “NtSetInformationFile” is invoked to change the position information of the file object represented by “hFile1”. In this way, the new code still preserves the original data flow, while the SCDG changes significantly. Note that compared with the original code, the file object is updated with new position information. However, the file object is closed immediately, imposing no lasting side effect to the final state.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An example of SCDG before and after replacement attacks

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of replacement attacks

A typical scenario to apply replacement attacks is illustrated in Fig. 2. Taking malware source code as input to API Replacer, our compiler-level transformation tool, malware authors generate multiple binary mutations of the initial version. Each mutation shares similar malicious functionalities, but exhibits different behavior specifications. Then cyber-criminals spread these malware samples to the Internet or plant them in the live vulnerable hosts. Suppose these transformed malware samples, with other suspicious binaries are finally collected by anti-malware companies. To process large number of malware samples, anti-malware companies utilize automated clustering tools to identify samples with similar behavior. These tools execute malware instances in a sandbox and collect run time information to generate behavior specifications, which will be normalized and then fed to clustering algorithm. As we mentioned in Sect. 2, current malware clustering tools are not designed to explicitly resist replacement attacks, therefore similar malware mutations after replacement attacks are probably assigned to different clusters. In that case, malware analysts have to waste excessive efforts to re-analyze these similar samples.

3.2 Mining Two Large Data Sets

Since there are various expressions of malware behavior based on SCDG, to find out the possible targets we may attack, we first mine two large data sets of malware behavior specifications used for malware detection and clustering.

  • BRS-data [6] is used by Babić et al. to evaluate malware detection with tree automata inference. BRS-data contains system calls dependency graphs generated for 2631 malware samples and covers a large variety of malware, such as trojan, backdoor, worm, and virus.

  • BCHKK-data [7] is used for evaluating malware clustering technique proposed by Bayer et al. BCHKK-data includes behavior profiles extracted from 2658 malware samples, and more than \(75\,\%\) samples are the variants of Allaple worm. Note that SCDG is not amenable to scalable clustering techniques, which usually operate on numerical vectorial feature set. Bayer et al. converted system call dependencies to a set of features in terms of operations (create, read, write, map, etc.) on OS objects (file, registry, process, section, thread, etc.) and dependencies between OS objects.

These two data sets reflect two typical applications of SCDG to represent malware specifications: (1) directly utilize rich structural information contained in SCDG [15, 18, 29], which is able to match behavioral patterns exactly but lacks of scalability; (2) extract higher level abstractions from SCDG to fit for efficient large-scale malware analysis [7, 8, 30] at the cost of precision. The similarity of BRS-data is normally measured by graph edit distance or graph isomorphism [13], while the similarity metrics of BCHKK-data is calculated by Jaccard Index [11].

Popular Dependencies. We calculate popular native API dependencies from BRS-data and OS operations and dependencies from BCHKK-data. Table 1 lists 11 popular native API dependencies out of BRS-data, which are mainly related to the operations on Windows registry, memory and file system. The second column is the medium data flow types passed between system calls. Most of the medium types are handles, which stands for various OS objects such as file, registry, section (memory-mapped file), process, etc. Table 2 presents popular OS object types, operations and dependencies from BCHKK-data. We believe as long as we diversify these popular dependencies and behavior features, the similarity among malware mutations can drop significantly.

Common Sub-SCDGs. Although extracted from different sources, these data reveal some common malicious functions, which are mapped to sub-SCDGs. The top 3 popular sub-SCDGs are corresponding to malware replication, registry modification for persistence and code remote injection. For example, the several frequent dependencies regarding “NtMapViewOfSection” and OS objects dependency between file and section, indicate malware writers commonly utilize memory mapped file to facilitate file manipulation. Malware often configure Windows registry for persistence in order to run automatically when machine starts, leading to frequent operations on Windows registry. “NtOpenProcess \(\rightarrow \) NtWriteVirtualMemory” and “process \(\rightarrow \) thread” are mainly introduced by creating a new thread in a remote process, the most common way to launch malware covertly in vulnerable hosts [33]. If we implement these common functions through different ways, the corresponding sub-SCDGs can be changed drastically as well.

Table 1. Popular windows native API dependencies
Table 2. Popular OS object types, operations and dependencies

3.3 Attacking Strategies

In this section we elaborate how to construct replacement attacks strategies. We propose 3 requirements that our attacking strategies have to meet:

  1. 1.

    (R1) Our replacement attacks should invalidate various malware behavior similarity metrics, such as graph edit distance and Jaccard Index.

  2. 2.

    (R2) New system calls and dependencies impose no side effect to original data flow.

  3. 3.

    (R3) Transformed SCDG should be as common as possible.

We meet our design requirement R1 by two attacking methods. The first one is embedding redundant data flow dependent system calls to replace original popular dependencies. As a result, new vertices and dependencies are created (see example in Fig. 1). At the same time, we make sure data types and values of original dependencies are preserved (satisfy R2). Further more, we observe that malicious functionalities can be developed with different technical methods, making it possible for SCDG mutations without undermining the intended purpose. For example, malware replication can be implemented through either memory-mapped file or file I/O; multiple ways exist to modify registry for the purpose of persistence. Therefore our second attacking strategy is transforming a sub-SCDG to its semantically equivalent mutations (satisfy R2). As a result, the original dependencies probably do not exist anymore. A by-product of our mining result in Sect. 3.2 is that popular dependencies can also be served as possible candidates to be embedded in a SCDG, so that the new SCDG doesn’t look unusual (satisfy R3). Note that these two attacking methods can seamlessly weave together to amplify each other’s effect.

3.4 Replacement Attacks Arsenal

In this section we present the details of our replacement attacks arsenal. According to our attacking strategies, we classify them into 2 categories:

Inserting Redundant Dependencies. We summarize attacks belong to this category based on the medium data flow types listed in Table 1.

  1. 1.

    “NtSetInformationFile” attack. This attack can replace the dependencies with FileHandle as medium, which has been illustrated in Fig. 1.

  2. 2.

    “NtDuplicateObject” attack. “NtDuplicateObject” returns a duplicated object handle, which refers to the same object as the original handle.

  3. 3.

    “NtQuery*” attack. There are several windows native APIs for querying information of kernel objects, such as “NtQueryAttributesFile”, “NtQueryKey”, “NtQueryInformationProcess” and “NtQueryInformationFile”. All of these query APIs take certain object handle as one of input argument and output object information. No any modification is introduced to the kernel objects. Hence “NtQuery*” native APIs are good candidates for our replacement attacks. For example, we could insert “NtQueryInformationFile” into a popular NtCreateFile \(\rightarrow \) NtSetInformationFile dependency, where the output of “NtQueryInformationFile” (“FileInformation”) is passed to “NtSetInformationFile”. The two new dependencies also appear frequently.

  4. 4.

    The medium of “void *address” shown in Table 1 receives address of a mapped memory. To handle this medium, we can insert “NtQueryVirtualMemory” or “NtReadVirtualMemory”, which do not affect the mapped memory address.

Sub-SCDG Mutations. We present multiple implementation ways to achieve 3 common malicious sub tasks we observed in Sect. 3.2, and what’s more, we make sure that each implementation reveals different sub-SCDG with others.

  1. 1.

    Replication. When malware authors call Windows API “CopyFile” to replicate malware sample from source to target file, it is actually achieved through memory mapped file. When a process maps a file into its virtual address space, reading and writing to the file is simply manipulating the mapped memory region, which produces OS objects dependencies between file and section. First we can choose to map either source or destination file to memory section. Another implementation is only through file I/O operations. For example, we can copy a file by calling “NtReadFile” and “NtWriteFile” instead of using memory as medium.

  2. 2.

    Modify registry for persistence. Malware often add entries into the registry to remain active in the event of a reboot. There are multiple registry keys that can be configured to load malware at startup. The reference [4] lists 23 registry keys are accessed during system start. We leverage these multiple choices to randomly pick up available registry keys to update.

  3. 3.

    Code remote injection. Malicious code can be injected into another running process so that the process could execute the malware unwittingly. To achieve this functionality, we can either inject the malicious code directly into a remote process, or put the code into a DLL and force the remote process to load it [33].

3.5 Case Study

Fig. 3.
figure 3

System calls dependence graph (SCDG) of replication before and after replacement attacks

For a better understanding of our replacement attacks, we provide a real case to mutate the replication behavior of Worm.Win32.Hunatcha. Figure 3(a) shows a native API sequence fragment we collected from the initial version and the corresponding SCDG. The malware sample replicates the file “hunatcha.exe” to “ladygaga.mp3.exe” by first memory-mapping the source file and then writing the memory content to the destination file. Figure 4(a) presents the feature set abstracted from Fig. 3(a) , following the definition of BCHKK-data [7]. The first 3 lines are operations (open, create, write, etc.) on OS objects (file, section). The fourth line is an OS dependency from section to destination file.

Table 3. Similarity metrics of 3 mutations

As shown in Fig. 3(b), we first mutate the generated SCDG by switching the file mapped to the memory, that is, we explicitly map the destination file (not source file) into the memory, so that file copying is achieved by reading content of source file to the mapped memory region. At the same time, we also insert redundant data flow dependent system calls to create new dependencies and decouple original dependencies. Therefore the structure of resulting SCDG and feature set (shown in Fig. 4(b)) are changed significantly. Figure 3(c) presents another round attack. Instead of utilizing memory mapped file, we directly copy file through file I/O. Therefore no memory section appears in SCDG and feature set. Table 3 shows the two similarity metrics for these 3 mutations. The calculation of these two metrics is introduced in Sect. 5.2. The graph edit distance value of 0.0 or Jaccard Index value of 1.0 indicates that two behaviors are identical. The large graph edit distance or small Jaccard Index value means that after our replacement attacks, the similarity of malware variants drops substantially.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Feature set of replication before and after replacement attacks

4 Implementation

To automate the attacking strategies we distill in Sect. 3, we have implemented a prototype tool, API Replacer, on top of LLVM and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Given an initial version of malware source code, API Replacer is able to automatically generate multiple versions of malware binaries, which share similar malicious functionalities but exhibit different malware specifications. Figure 5 describes the architecture of API Replacer. It takes malware source code as input and first generates LLVM IR through the Clang compiler. Then the IR code is manipulated by our transformation pass to fulfill replacement attacks. Afterwards the new transformed code are passed to LLC to emit object code, which are given to Visual Studio’s link.exe to generate an executable binary. Moreover, new malware IR can be converted back to source code by LLC for another round of transformation. We follow the instructions in [2] to integrate LLVM system with Visual Studio. More specifically, our transformation pass inherits “CallGraphSCCPass” provided by LLVM to traverse the call graph and identify candidate system calls to attack. Our pass utilizes data flow analysis of LLVM to find out dependencies among system calls. Then two attacking strategies are performed in order to change the original SCDG. Section 3.3 describes these steps in details. After that, our pass updates the changes of call graph. Algorithm 1 lists each step of API Replacer’s transformation pass.

The major implementation choice we made is using Windows APIs as a proxy for Windows native APIs. The reason is Windows native APIs are not comprehensively documented, while Windows APIs is well described in MSDNFootnote 2. According to the mapping between Windows APIs and native APIs [32], we are able to manipulate Windows APIs directly.

figure a
Fig. 5.
figure 5

The architecture of API Replacer

5 Evaluation

In this section, we apply API Replacer to transform real malware samples and evaluate the effectiveness of our approach to impede malware similarity metrics calculation and behavior-based malware clustering. We also test with 5 SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks to evaluate performance slowdown imposed by replacement attacks.

5.1 Experiment Setup

We transform malware source code collected from VX HeavensFootnote 3. These malware samples are chosen for two reasons: (1) they do not contain any trigger-based behavior [36] or runtime environment checking condition [19]; (2) they have different malicious functionalities. In this way, we ensure that each sample fully exhibits its specific malicious intent during runtime execution and each sample presents different behavior specifications. Malware samples under experiment are executed in a malware dynamic analysis system, Cuckoo SandboxFootnote 4, to collect windows native API calls traces. We first filter out isolated nodes which have no dependencies with others. Then we compute SCDG for each sample following the data flow dependencies between native APIs. Statistics for lines of code and SCDG are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Test set statistics

5.2 Subverting Malware Behavior Similarity Metrics

In this experiment, we evaluate replacement attacks with two representative similarity metrics, namely graph edit distance and Jaccard Index. The former is used to measure the similarity of SCDG structure; while the latter represents the similarity of behavior feature set, a higher level abstraction extracted from SCDG. We first set the ratio of replaced system calls as 0 %, 10 %, 20 %, and 30 % and then generate 4 mutations respectively for each testing malware sample. Then we run these mutations in Cuckoo Sandbox to collect SCDGs in order to compute graph edit distance. After that, we convert SCDGs to feature sets to calculate their Jaccard Index.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Graph edit distance and Jaccard Index after replacement attacks

Graph Edit Distance. We measure the similarity of SCDG \(G_{1}\) and SCDG \(G_{2}\) via graph edit distance [13], which is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} d(G_{1}, G_{2}) = 1 - \frac{|MCS(G_{1}, G_{2})|}{max(|G_{1}|, |G_{2}|)} \end{aligned}$$

\(MCS(G_{1}, G_{2})\) is the maximal common subgraph and |G| is the number of nodes in a graph. The value of the distance varies from 0.0 to 1.0. Distance value 0.0 denotes that two graphs are identical. Park et al. employed the graph edit distance for malware classification and clustering [28, 29], where they set similarity threshold as 0.3. Graph distance above the threshold means two malware samples are different. Taken the sample with 0 % replacement ratio as the baseline, Fig. 6(a) shows the graph edit distance after replacement attacks. Basically the graph edit distance increases steadily as the amount of replaced system calls raises. Please note that when we only enforce \(20\,\%\) replacement, all the distances are beyond the threshold of 0.3. This experiment demonstrates that our replacement attacks change the structure of SCDG significantly.

Jaccard Index. Assume behavior feature set of malware sample a and b are \(F_{a}\) and \(F_{b}\), Jaccard Index is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} J(a, b)= \frac{ |F_{a} \cap F_{b}| }{ |F_{a} \cup F_{b}| } \end{aligned}$$

Bayer et al. [7] identified two similar malware feature sets by checking whether their Jaccard Index is \(\ge 0.7\). Similar with the setting of Fig. 6(a), Fig. 6(b) presents the result of Jaccard Index after replacement attacks. We can draw a similar conclusion that Jaccard Index reduces as replacement ratio increases. However, the decline rate of Jaccard Index is not as large as the rising rate of graph edit distance. We attribute this to a better fault tolerance of large scale feature set. For example, Mydoom in our testing set has more the 1000 features. Consequently, small portion of system calls replacement imposes less effect on Jaccard Index. In spite of this, when the replacement ratio is increased to \(30\,\%\), all of the Jaccard Index value are below the similarity threshold of 0.7.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Our attacks vs. other approaches

Our Attacks vs. Other Approaches. Furthermore, we compared our attacks with two other attacking approaches, that is system call random insertion (“Random” bar) and Xin et al.’s approach [37], which obfuscates SCDG by replacing a dependency edge with a new vertex and two new edges. The ratio of new system calls insertion, replaced edges and replaced system calls are all set as \(30\,\%\). The comparison results are presented in Fig. 7. The quite small graph edit distance and large Jaccard Index value show that SCDG is resilient to the attack of system call random insertion, which does not consider data flow dependencies. As shown in Fig. 7(a), although Xin et al.’s approach is able to subvert the structure of SCDG (the distance is \(>\)0.3), our attacks outperform their approach by a factor of 1.6x on average. Moreover, Fig. 7(b) indicates that Xin et al.’s attacking only has a marginal effect on the behavior feature set such as BCHKK-data [7]. The reason is Xin et al.’s approach neither introduces new OS objects nor brings new dependencies between OS objects.

5.3 Against Behavior-Based Clustering

In this section, we demonstrate that replacement attacks are able to impede behavior-based malware clustering approach. We choose the clustering approach proposed by Bayer et al. [7], which is a state-of-the-art clustering system for malware behavior. Bayer et al.’s approach contains two major steps: (1) employ locality sensitive hashing (LSH) to find approximate near-neighbors of feature sets; (2) perform single-linkage hierarchical clustering.

We use the LSH code from [5] in our experiment. To fairly evaluate the clustering approach, we stick to a similar setup. The Jaccard Index threshold and LSH parameters, are all exactly the same as in [7]. As mentioned in Sect. 5.1, malware samples in our initial dataset belong to 8 different families. To enlarge the dataset for our malware clustering evaluation, we generate 5 datasets:

  • Dataset 0: We apply various polymorphism obfuscation and packing [31] on our initial samples. For each family, we generate 30 variants. All mutations in each group are only different in terms of static properties. The samples within the same family exhibit quite similar behavior.

  • Dataset 1 \(\sim \) 3: We set system call replacement ratio as \(10\,\%\), \(20\,\%\) and \(30\,\%\) respectively and then produce 30 variants for every family under each replacement ratio setting. Each dataset includes 240 instances.

  • Dataset 4: We mix all samples within Dataset 0 \(\sim \) 3 to this dataset, which comprises 960 malware samples in total.

We perform LSH-based single-linkage hierarchical clustering on each dataset. The quality of the clustering results is measured by two metrics: precision and recall. The goal of precision is to measure how well a clustering algorithm assigns malware samples with different behavior to different clusters, while recall indicates how well a clustering algorithm puts malware with the same behavior into the same cluster. The naive clustering method that creates only one cluster comprising all samples has the highest recall (1.0), but the worst precision. On the contrary, the method sets up a clustering for each sample achieves the highest precision (1.0) but with low recall number. An optimal clustering method should provide both high precision and recall at the same time. Please refer to [7] for detailed information.

Table 5. Quality of the clustering

Table 5 summarizes our results. Since the samples in Dataset 0 are only different in terms of static features, the clustering result has the optimal precision and recall. Because 6 samples crashed after applying virtualization obfuscators [16], the recall value is slightly smaller than 1.0. The results of Dataset 1 \(\sim \) 3 show the trend that the recall value falls as system call replacement ratio raises. For example, under the replacement ratio of \(30\,\%\), on average only about 2 samples are clustered into each family. A small recall value implies that more clusters are created than expected. Dataset 4 simulates a real scenario we mentioned in Sect. 3.1: malware samples after replacement attacks, mixed with other suspicious binaries, are finally collected for clustering. The low recall value demonstrates that our approach is effective in practice.

5.4 Performance

Since switching between kernel and user mode is inherently expensive, the redundant system calls introduced by replacement attacks will no doubt impact runtime performance. We measure runtime performance after applying replacement attacks on 5 SPEC CPU 2006 benchmarks, including bzip2, libquantum, omnetpp, astar and xalancbmk. Our testbed is a laptop with a 2.30 GHz Intel(R) Core i5 CPU and 8 GB of memory, running on the operating system of Windows 7. On average, testing programs have a slowdown of 1.33 times (normalized to the runtime without transformation) when the system call replacement ratio is \(30\,\%\). Considering the significant effect under this replacement ratio, the performance tradeoff is worthy.

6 Discussion

Limitations. Currently the compatibility with Visual Studio and LLVM tool chain is not perfect. For example, C++ standard library and Windows Platform SDK are not fully supported by clang, which prevent us from testing more complicated malware. The attacking strategies we summarized in Sect. 3.3, especially the sub-SCDG mutation rules are limited. Implementing the same functionality through diverse ways need comprehensive domain knowledge. We plan to extend our replacement attacks arsenal in future work.

Possible Ways to Defeat. We suggest possible ways to defend against replacement attacks. As one of our attacking strategies is to insert redundant dependencies, the size of SCDG could be enlarged. An analyzer is able to detect such change by comparing new SCDG with the original one. However, without more close investigation (usually involving tedious work), analyzer cannot easily differentiate whether the size change of SCDG comes from incremental updates or our attacks. Another countermeasure is to normalize the behavior graph mutations. For example, the multiple semantically equivalent graph patterns of malware replication can be unified as a canonical form before clustering. The effort in this direction is Martignoni et al.’s work [25]. They designed a layered architecture to detect alternative events that deliver the same high-level functionality. However, admitted by the authors, the layered hierarchy is generated manually and tested only with 7 malware samples. A general and automated behavior graph normalization is still missing. Moreover, high-level malware behavior abstractions may overlook subtle distinctions among malware samples. Therefore, the higher-level of behavior abstractions are probably valid in distinguishing malware from benign program, but are incompetent to differentiate malware variants. Another way is to perform more fine-grained data flow analysis. For example, If the data passed in two sequential dependencies are not changed, the medium system call is probably a redundant native API such as NtSetInformationFile and NtDuplicateObject. However, this approach cannot defeat sub-SCDG mutations, which may completely change the structure of sub-SCDG.

7 Conclusion

Behavior-based malware specifications have been broadly employed in malware detection and clustering. In this paper we study the vulnerability of current behavior based malware analysis and propose replacement attacks to impede malware behavior specifications. We distill general attacking strategies by mining large malware behavior data sets and develop a compiler level prototype to demonstrate their feasibilities. Our evaluation on real malware samples shows that the transformed malware could evade malware similarity comparison and impede behavior-based clustering. We expect our study can cultivate further research to improve resistance to this potential threat.