Spin Currents in Tunnel Junctions, for example, those induced by thermoelectric forces due to temperature and magnetization gradients, etc., are discussed in this chapter. Using Onsager response theory, in particular for magnetic tunnel junctions, metallic rings and quantum dots, yields directly, spin dependently, all thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects like the Seebeck and Peltier ones and Josephson–like Spin currents driven by the phase gradient of the magnetization. The results can be compared with recent experiments determining the spin dependent Seebeck effect and other thermoelectric effects. The Onsager theory directly yields coupled currents, like the heat current due to a spin current and other thermoelectric effects. The Onsager theory can be extended towards an electronic theory by expressing the Onsager coefficients in terms of current correlation functions, and then calculating these using Lagrange formalism, symmetry and scaling analysis. We discuss in particular the spin currents resulting from the force due to magnetic phase gradients at tunnel junctions of magnetic materials, both in normal and superconducting singlet and triplet states. Note, Onsager theory can also be applied to spin currents in molecules and in magnetic ionic liquids, and also to dynamics in cosmology problems.
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To include chemical reactions occurring in (open) magnetic systems with diffusion currents etc. one may extend Onsager theory taking into account spin and magnetization. For simplicity one may first neglect nonlinear behavior. (However, note frequently this may not be valid.). Then, \(j_i=L_{ij}X_j+...\) and chemical reactions are taken into account by the forces \(X_j=A_{j}/T\) with spin dependent chemical affinities \(A_j=-\sum _{k}\nu _{k,j}\mu _k\). Here, the substance k with chemical potential \(\mu _k\) is also characterized by its spin. The stoichometrical coefficients \(\nu _{k,j}\) characterize the chemical reaction which couples to the currents. It is straightforward to work out details of the theory, see de Groot, Landau. Thus one gets spin dependent coupling of diffusion currents and chemical reactions, for example effects due to concentration gradients depending on spin and magnetization, etc.
I thank C. Bennemann for help and many useful and critical discussions. This study is dedicated to Prof. J.B. Ketterson (USA) for lifelong help, suggestions and assistance. Similarly, I thank also Prof V. Bortolani (Italy) and Prof. B. Alascio (Argentina) for help during many years. Last but not least I thank in particular F. Nogueira and M. Garcia for ideas and interesting discussions. Also, I thank E.M. Steinebach and H.W. Dube (Wasbüttel, Germany) for acting as “spiritus rector” throughout this study.
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Bennemann, K.H. (2022). Spin Dependent Thermoelectric Currents of Tunnel Junctions, and Other Nanostructures: Onsager Response-Theory. In: Ünlü, H., Horing, N.J.M. (eds) Progress in Nanoscale and Low-Dimensional Materials and Devices. Topics in Applied Physics, vol 144. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93460-6_19
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93460-6_19
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-93459-0
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-93460-6
eBook Packages: Physics and AstronomyPhysics and Astronomy (R0)