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Fast Verification of Digital Signatures in IoT

  • Conference paper
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Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC 2017)


Internet of Things (IoT) is the recent advancement in Wireless technology where multiple embedded devices are connected through internet for exchange of information. Since the information exchanged is private and at times confidential, state of the art focusses at providing proper security to the system. To avoid illegal users from getting access to information system, authentication through Digital Signatures becomes integral part of IoT. Verifying individual signatures is a time consuming process, hence it is not advisable in IoT systems. Using Batch verification of Digital signatures, reduction in verification time is achievable. Hence in this paper, we have studied different RSA based batch verification techniques and their analysis is provided. Batch verification of digital signatures in IoT devices is a promising area for further research.

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Kittur, A.S., Jain, A., Pais, A.R. (2017). Fast Verification of Digital Signatures in IoT. In: Thampi, S., Martínez Pérez, G., Westphall, C., Hu, J., Fan, C., Gómez Mármol, F. (eds) Security in Computing and Communications. SSCC 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 746. Springer, Singapore.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore

  • Print ISBN: 978-981-10-6897-3

  • Online ISBN: 978-981-10-6898-0

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