This study looked at the possibility of using bacteria that were separated from the rhizosphere of rice plants to promote plant development and offer biological control against pests that affect agriculture. A total of 119 bacteria were isolated from rice rhizospheres collected from six different locations. Of these, 15.47% showed phosphate solubilization, 47.05% showed IAA, 89.07% showed siderophore, and 10.08% showed ACC deaminase activity. Generally, high siderophore production was observed in strains showing ACC deaminase activity. The antagonistic behavior of all strains against the walnut pest Xanthomonas arbiricola was also studied, and eight (6.7%) isolates suppressed the growth of this pathogen (7–43 ± 2 mm zone diameter). It was also noted that these eight isolates showed almost exclusively siderophore activity. In contrast to IAA and siderophore synthesis, the study demonstrated reduced activity levels for phosphate solubilization and ACC deaminase. The 16S rRNA sequence results of some of the bacteria selected in this study and AFLP analysis based on some restriction enzymes showed that the diversity was quite high. According to the 16S rRNA analysis, the high antagonistic effect of strain 71, which is one of the members of the Enterobacter genus, shows that it can be used as a biocontrol agent. In this study, it was revealed in detail that bacteria can be preferred as alternative biological agents for plant growth instead of synthetic fertilizers. This is the first study on this subject in this region, which is one of the important points of the country in terms of rice production.
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The author has approved using the relevant sequence data uploaded to the Genbank database by this journal.
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This research has been supported by Sinop University Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit. Project Number: FEF-1901-21-007, 2021-2023.
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Avsar, C. Assessment of rice rhizosphere-isolated bacteria for their ability to stimulate plant growth and their antagonistic effects against Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis. 3 Biotech 14, 229 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-024-04077-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-024-04077-5