Sparse covariates are frequent in classification and regression problems where the task of variable selection is usually of interest. As it is well known, sparse statistical models correspond to situations where there are only a small number of nonzero parameters, and for that reason, they are much easier to interpret than dense ones. In this paper, we focus on the logistic regression model and our aim is to address robust and penalized estimation for the regression parameter. We introduce a family of penalized weighted M-type estimators for the logistic regression parameter that are stable against atypical data. We explore different penalization functions including the so-called Sign penalty. We provide a careful analysis of the estimators convergence rates as well as their variable selection capability and asymptotic distribution for fixed and random penalties. A robust cross-validation criterion is also proposed. Through a numerical study, we compare the finite sample performance of the classical and robust penalized estimators, under different contamination scenarios. The analysis of real datasets enables to investigate the stability of the penalized estimators in the presence of outliers.
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This research was partially supported by Grant 20020170100022BA from the Universidad de Buenos Aires and pict 2018-00740 from anpcyt at Buenos Aires, Argentina, and also by the Spanish Project MTM2016-76969P from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) (Ana Bianco and Graciela Boente).
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The supplementary material (available online) contains the proofs of the main results and describes the algorithm used to compute the estimators. It also includes some additional numerical experiments. We also present the analysis of a dataset related to tomography images. (704 KB)
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Bianco, A.M., Boente, G. & Chebi, G. Penalized robust estimators in sparse logistic regression. TEST 31, 563–594 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-021-00792-w
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11749-021-00792-w