IT capability has become increasingly important for business to maintain an innovation-based competitive advantage in today’s turbulent economic environment. In light of the dynamic capability theory and related literature, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between supply chain e-integration, supply chain strategy implementation (i.e., lean strategy and agile strategy), and supply chain ambidextrous innovation, and supply chain ambidextrous innovation (i.e., exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation). A questionnaire survey was conducted in China mainland and quantitative data were gathered from 274 respondents. Supply chain e-integration enhances exploitative innovation but does not impact exploratory innovation significantly. Both lean and agile strategy implementation are positively associated with exploratory innovation. Whilst only lean strategy positively influences exploitative innovation. Supply chain e-integration positively impacts lean supply chain strategy but harms agile supply chain strategy. Furthermore, lean strategy implementation partially mediates the relationship between supply chain e-integration and exploitative innovation, whilst agile strategy plays a suppression role between e-integration and exploratory innovation. A new theoretical perspective on IT-based capabilities and supply chain ambidextrous innovation is provided by these findings. Practitioners can also apply these findings to improve innovation-based competition by addressing related inertia issues.
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This study was funded by the Philosophy and Social Science Research Project (21Q085) of the Hubei Provincial Department of Education.
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Appendix: Survey items
Appendix: Survey items
CONSTRUCTS | ITEMS | Supporting literature |
SC e-integration | Real-time communication through IT | So and Sun (2011) Swafford et al.(2008) Haddud et al.(2017) |
Complete purchasing and supply management through IT | ||
Digital accounting and finance | ||
Manufacturing with process control softwares like MES | ||
Using IT to integrate activities in logistics and distribution | ||
Real-time material management and inventory tracking | ||
Lean SC strategy implementation | Employee involvement | Dey et al.(2019) Ruiz-Benitez et al.(2019) Kamble et al.(2019) Prasad et al.(2019) |
Reduces wastes | ||
TQM | ||
Pull systems | ||
JIT basis for material purchase | ||
JIT basis for order | ||
Agile SC strategy implementation | Quickly detect changes, opportunities, and threats | Nabass and Abdallah(2019) Chen(2018) |
Responds quickly to customer requirements | ||
Quickly adapt products/service to changes | ||
To increase the frequencies of new products | ||
Reacts immediately to incorporate changes into manufacturing processes | ||
Speed in product cycle time | ||
Exploratory SC innovation | We accept demands that go beyond existing products and services | Nguyen et al.(2019) Sheng and Chien(2016) |
We invent new products and services | ||
We commercialize products and services that are completely new | ||
Exploitative SC innovation | We frequently refine the provision of existing products and services | |
We regularly implement small adaptations to existing products and services | ||
We introduce improved but existing products and services for local markets | ||
We improve our provision’s efficiency of products and services | ||
We increase economies of scales in existing markets |
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Zhao, J., Liu, Xy. & Xu, Sr. Impact of e-integration on ambidextrous innovation in supply chain: the mediation and suppression effect of supply chain strategy implementation. Inf Technol Manag (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-023-00412-z
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10799-023-00412-z