Now a days with the rapidly increasing development of technology and communication system, the implementation of blockchain is continuously increasing in various sectors. With the increase in massive data in educational sectors there arise a requirement of handling such enormous data. This can be easily and securely handled by blockchain technology due to its scalability, robustness, and resilience characteristics. In this paper, a methodology is presented for systematic meta-analysis of the blockchain applications, technologies, and integration of next-gen technologies for the deployment of education 4.0. The bibliometric analysis, the methodology is divided into three steps: selection strategy, inclusion strategy, and meta-analysis of research contributions are provided based on PRISMA-P. In the selection strategy, different research sources are searched. Selection and sorting of contributing research articles are performed in the inclusion strategy and finally, in a meta-analysis, the critical assessment of the educational management system and security aspects with blockchain deployment is performed. It was observed that most of the research contributions are theoretical concept based without any practical validations. From the results, it was also observed that the blockchain designs presented mainly focus on confidentiality, integrity, and availability. But apart from these, other security concerns such as scalability, flexibility, authorization, mutual authentication, attack resistant, etc. are not explored most. Further, the paper presented a critical analysis of next-gen technologies with blockchain for future education 4.0. This paper is focused to analyze the growing demand of the educational blockchain paradigm (EBP). For this paper presented a meta-analysis of existing research contributions concerning the application area, technology used, real-world examples, and next-gen technologies in education 4.0. Therefore, this paper will enlighten the focus of researchers for future research innovations.
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Haque, M., Kumar, V.V., Singh, P. et al. A systematic meta-analysis of blockchain technology for educational sector and its advancements towards education 4.0. Educ Inf Technol 28, 13841–13867 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11744-2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11744-2