Formal methods have become a recommended practice in safety-critical software engineering. To be formally verified, a system should be specified with a specific formalism such as Petri nets, automata and process algebras, which requires a formal expertise and may become complex especially with large systems. In this paper, we report our experience in the formal verification of safety-critical real-time systems. We propose a formal mapping for a real-time task model using the LNT language, and we describe how it is used for the integration of a formal verification phase in an AADL model-based development process. We focus on real-time systems with event-driven tasks, asynchronous communication and preemptive fixed-priority scheduling. We provide a complete tool-chain for the automatic model transformation and formal verification of AADL models. Experimentation illustrates our results with the Flight control system and Line follower robot case studies.
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Society of Automotive Engineers.
LNT is developed by the VASY and CONVECS teams from Inria for safety-critical systems.
More details about our AADL subset are provided in the AADL2LNT transformation definition (Sect. 4).
A protected object is a construction based on the well-known concept of monitors for synchronizations.
The AADL2LNT transformation is integrated in the official Ocarina GitHub repository.
The FCS and the LFR AADL models are available on-line in the AADLib GitHub repository, which is a library of reusable AADLv2 models under the OpenAADL project (https://github.com/OpenAADL/AADLib).
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We would like to thank the CADP team (Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang and Wendelin Serwe) for their help in using the LNT language and CADP toolbox.
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Mkaouar, H., Zalila, B., Hugues, J. et al. A formal approach to AADL model-based software engineering. Int J Softw Tools Technol Transfer 22, 219–247 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-019-00513-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10009-019-00513-7