This paper investigates the impact of kernel functions on the accuracy of bi-fidelity Gaussian process regressions (GPR) for engineering applications. The potential of composite kernel learning (CKL) and model selection is also studied, aiming to ease the process of manual kernel selection. Using the autoregressive Gaussian process as the base model, this paper studies four kernel functions and their combinations: Gaussian, Matern-3/2, Matern-5/2, and Cubic. Experiments on four engineering test problems show that the best kernel is problem dependent and sometimes might be counter-intuitive, even when a large amount of low-fidelity data already aids the model. In this regard, using CKL or automatic kernel selection via cross validation and maximum likelihood can reduce the tendency to select a poor-performing kernel. In addition, the CKL technique can create a slightly more accurate model than the best-performing individual kernel. The main drawback of CKL is its significantly expensive computational cost. The results also show that, given a sufficient amount of samples, tuning the regression term is important to improve the accuracy and robustness of bi-fidelity GPR, while decreasing the importance of the proper kernel selection.
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The authors acknowledge financial support from Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi research scheme administered by Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi, Republic of Indonesia.
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Appendix 1: Comparison to single-fidelity Gaussian process
For the sake of completeness, Table 21 shows the comparison of the NRMSE between the single- and bi-fidelity CKL for all problems and combinations of \(n_{h}\) and \(n_{l}\). This appendix shows that the bi-fidelity model is better than the single-fidelity model for equivalent cost. Consider a combination of low- and high-fidelity data sets in which the cost ratio is defined as
where \(t_{\text {high}}\) and \(t_{\text {low}}\) are the wall-clock time of the high- and low-fidelity simulations, respectively. The equivalent sample size of the single-fidelity model, given \(n_{h}\) and \(n_{l}\), is defined as
In this regard, a single-fidelity GP with \(n_{\text {equiv}}\) samples is then compared with the corresponding bi-fidelity GP with \(n_{h}\) high-fidelity and \(n_{l}\) low-fidelity samples. Notice that there is no \(n_{\text {equiv}}\) for the vibration rig problem since the high-fidelity data are evaluated experimentally. Hence, we use the single-fidelity GP using \(n_{h}\) samples for the vibration rig problem. The averaged NRMSE results for all problems, tuned \(\lambda\) case, are shown in Table 21. It can be seen that the bi-fidelity GP with CKL always outperforms its single-fidelity GP counterparts, with the only exception being on the heat conduction case with \(n_{h}=40/n_{l}=120.\)
Appendix 2: Examples of sample paths from Gaussian processes
To illustrate the behavior of the composite kernels, Figs. 13 and 14 show the sample paths generated from the four individual kernels and CKL with various weights, respectively. The sample paths were generated using the lengthscale of 0.1 for all kernels. As shown in Fig. 14, the sample paths from composite kernels reflect the behavior of the constituents. Let us denote the vector of weight as follows: \(\varvec{w}=[\text {Gaussian, Matern-3/2, Matern-5/2, Cubic}]\). The weights shown in The CKL with \(\varvec{w} = [0.49,0,0,0.51]\) (extracted from the two-variable Isogai problem) is a combination of only the Gaussian and cubic kernel, with the sample paths reflect the smooth nature of Gaussian and the rapid change of the cubic. On the other hand, the combination of Matern-3/2 and cubic kernel (\(\varvec{w}=[0,0.57,0,0.43]\), extracted from the subsonic wing problem) yields a rough characteristic that primarily comes from the former. The combination of Gaussian, Matern-5/2, and cubic (\(\varvec{w}=[0.44,0,0.31,0.25]\), extracted from the eight-variable subsonic wing problem) primarily exhibits the smoothness of Gaussian, with slight roughness from Matern-5/2 and cubic. Finally, the combination of dominant Gaussian kernel and cubic (\(\varvec{w}=[0.97,0,0.03,0]\), extracted from the ten-variable heat conduction problem) almost looks similar to Gaussian; however, the slight change of this characteristic can lead to a better prediction as observed in the ten-variable heat conduction problem.
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Palar, P.S., Parussini, L., Bregant, L. et al. On kernel functions for bi-fidelity Gaussian process regressions. Struct Multidisc Optim 66, 37 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-023-03487-y
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00158-023-03487-y