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Название Класс P / M
Вес Цена


9447 Dynasty Halberd
Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun, or Light.
S80 (1) 333 / 151 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
9869 Dynasty Halberd [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Option] Decreases your HP by 15% and increases P. Atk. by 78. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S80 (1) 333 / 151 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
9870 Dynasty Halberd [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Option] There is a 48% probability that Stun effect is applied during a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S80 (1) 333 / 151 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
9871 Dynasty Halberd [Light]
[Soul Crystal Option] Increases weight gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S80 (1) 333 / 151 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
10219 Icarus Trident
Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Crt. Stun or Light.
S80 (1) 363 / 163 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
10449 Icarus Trident [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Option] Decreases HP by 15% while increasing P. Atk. by 78 on a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S80 (1) 363 / 163 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
10450 Icarus Trident [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Option] There is a 48% probability that Stun effect is applied on a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S80 (1) 363 / 163 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0
10451 Icarus Trident [Light]
[Soul Crystal Option] Increases weight gauge by 20%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S80 (1) 363 / 163 4 x1 / x 1 2010 0


306 Dragon Claw Axe
S (1765) 251 / 121 4 x1 / x 1 1820 48800000
307 Aurakyria Lance
S 269 / 128 4 x1 / x 1 1800 48800000
6370 Saint Spear
Bestows one of the following functions: Health, Guidance or Haste.
S (2440) 281 / 132 4 x1 / x 1 1800 48800000
6599 Saint Spear [Health]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S (2440) 281 / 132 4 x1 / x 1 1800 48800000
6600 Saint Spear [Guidance]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases Accuracy by about 5. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S (2440) 281 / 132 4 x1 / x 1 1800 48800000
6601 Saint Spear [Haste]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases Atk. Spd. by about 7%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
S (2440) 281 / 132 4 x1 / x 1 1800 48800000
6621 Infinity Spear
During a critical attack, increases Max HP, Max CP, Atk. Spd. and Accuracy. Casts dispel on a target and has possibility of reflecting the skill back on the target. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
S (2850) 379 / 169 4 x1 / x 1 1300 48800000


98 Halberd
Bestows one of the following functions: Haste, Critical Stun or Wide Blow.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
304 Orcish Halberd
A (1704) 219 / 109 4 x1 / x 1 1880 21300000
305 Tallum Glaive
Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Health, or Wide Blow.
A (2160) 232 / 114 4 x1 / x 1 1840 27000000
4861 Halberd [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 15% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
4862 Halberd [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
4863 Halberd [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens angle of attack.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
5626 Halberd [Haste]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases Atk. Spd. by about 6%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
5627 Halberd [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Has a 25% chance to stun during a critical attack. Enhances damage to target during PvP.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
5628 Halberd [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens the angle of attack. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.
A (1464) 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 1900 18300000
5629 Orcish Halberd
A (1704) 219 / 109 4 x1 / x 1 1880 21300000
5630 Orcish Halberd
A (1704) 219 / 109 4 x1 / x 1 1880 21300000
5631 Orcish Halberd
A (1704) 219 / 109 4 x1 / x 1 1880 21300000
5632 Tallum Glaive [Guidance]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases Accuracy by about 4. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.
A (2160) 232 / 114 4 x1 / x 1 1840 27000000
5633 Tallum Glaive [Health]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.
A (2160) 232 / 114 4 x1 / x 1 1840 27000000
5634 Tallum Glaive [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens the angle of attack. Enhances damage to a target during PvP.
A (2160) 232 / 114 4 x1 / x 1 1840 27000000
8683 Tiphon's Spear
Bestows either Critical Stun, Towering Blow or Wide Blow.
A (1) 251 / 121 4 x1 / x 1 1820 35300000
8803 Tiphon's Spear [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the chance of stun effect by 25% during a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
A (1) 251 / 121 4 x1 / x 1 1820 35300000
8804 Tiphon's Spear [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the possibility of increasing attack range. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
A (1) 251 / 121 4 x1 / x 1 1820 0
8805 Tiphon's Spear [Wild Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the possibility of broadening the angle of attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.
A (1) 251 / 121 4 x1 / x 1 1820 35300000
8860 Shadow Item: Halberd
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Halberd. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions.
A 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 640 0
9012 Shadow Item: Halberd
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Halberd. It cannot be traded, dropped, crystallized, or given other functions.
A 213 / 107 4 x1 / x 1 640 0
9028 Shadow Item: Tallum Glaive
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Tallum Glaive. It cannot be traded, dropped, crystallized, or given other functions.
A 232 / 114 4 x1 / x 1 613 0


97 Lance
Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun or Towering Blow.
B (1746) 194 / 99 4 x1 / x 1 1920 13100000
300 Great Axe
Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun or Light.
B (1157) 175 / 91 4 x1 / x 1 1940 8680000
4855 Great Axe [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases P. Atk. by 28 while reducing maximum HP by 15%.
B (1157) 175 / 91 4 x1 / x 1 1940 8680000
4856 Great Axe [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 14% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
B (1157) 175 / 91 4 x1 / x 1 1940 8680000
4857 Great Axe [Light]
[Soul Crystal Option] Increases weight gauge by 20%.
B (1157) 175 / 91 4 x1 / x 1 1940 8680000
4858 Lance [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases P. Atk. by 30 while reducing maximum HP by 15%.
B (1746) 194 / 99 4 x1 / x 1 1920 15560
4859 Lance [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 13% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
B (1746) 194 / 99 4 x1 / x 1 1920 13100000
4860 Lance [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
B (1746) 194 / 99 4 x1 / x 1 1920 13100000
8858 Shadow Item: Great Axe
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Axe. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions.
B 175 / 91 4 x1 / x 1 650 0
9010 Shadow Item: Great Axe
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Axe. It cannot be traded, dropped, crystallized, or given other functions.
B 175 / 91 4 x1 / x 1 650 0


94 Bec de Corbin
Bestows either Critical Stun, Towering Blow or Light.
C (1148) 122 / 68 4 x2 / x 2 2020 2870000
95 Poleaxe
Bestows one of the following functions: Wide Blow, Towering Blow or Critical Stun.
C (1720) 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 2010 4300000
96 Scythe
Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun or Light.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2040 2290000
298 Orcish Glaive
Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun or Towering Blow.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
299 Orcish Poleaxe
Bestows either Critical Stun, Towering Blow or Wide Blow.
C (2452) 156 / 83 4 x3 / x 3 1950 6130000
301 Scorpion
Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun or Wide Blow.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1990 4780000
302 Body Slasher
Bestows either Critical Stun, Towering Blow or Wide Blow.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
303 Widow Maker
Bestows either Critical Stun, Towering Blow or Wide Blow.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1980 4780000
4834 Scythe [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases P. Atk. by 20 while reducing maximum HP by 15%.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2040 2290000
4835 Scythe [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 18% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2040 2290000
4836 Scythe [Light]
[Soul Crystal Option] Increases weight gauge by 20%.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2040 2290000
4837 Orcish Glaive [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases P. Atk. by 20 while reducing maximum HP by 15%.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
4838 Orcish Glaive [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 18% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
4839 Orcish Glaive [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
4840 Body Slasher [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 18% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
4841 Body Slasher [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
4842 Body Slasher [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens angle of attack.
C (916) 107 / 61 4 x2 / x 2 2030 2290000
4843 Bec de Corbin [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 17% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (1148) 122 / 68 4 x2 / x 2 2020 2870000
4844 Bec de Corbin [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
C (1148) 122 / 68 4 x2 / x 2 2020 2870000
4845 Bec de Corbin [Light]
[Soul Crystal Option] Increases weight gauge by 20%.
C (1148) 122 / 68 4 x2 / x 2 2020 2870000
4846 Scorpion [Anger]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases P. Atk. by 24 while reducing maximum HP by 15%.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1990 4780000
4847 Scorpion [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 16% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1990 4780000
4848 Scorpion [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1990 4780000
4849 Widow Maker [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 16% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1980 4780000
4850 Widow Maker [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1980 4780000
4851 Widow Maker [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens angle of attack.
C (1912) 144 / 78 4 x3 / x 3 1980 4780000
4852 Orcish Poleaxe [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] 15% chance of stun effect during a critical attack.
C (2452) 156 / 83 4 x3 / x 3 1950 6130000
4853 Orcish Poleaxe [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases the effect area of the weapon.
C (2452) 156 / 83 4 x3 / x 3 1950 6130000
4854 Orcish Poleaxe [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens angle of attack.
C (2452) 156 / 83 4 x3 / x 3 1950 6130000
7719 Poleaxe [Critical Stun]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] During a critical attack, produces a stun effect at the rate of about 25%.
C (1720) 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 2010 4300000
7720 Poleaxe [Towering Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Increases attack range.
C (1720) 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 2010 4300000
7721 Poleaxe [Wide Blow]
[Soul Crystal Enhancement] Broadens angle of attack.
C (1720) 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 2010 4300000
8831 Shadow Item: Bec de Corbin
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Bec De Corbin. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions.
C 122 / 68 4 x2 / x 2 680 0
8840 Shadow Item: Poleaxe
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Poleaxe. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions.
C 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 670 0
8927 Shadow Item: Poleaxe
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Poleaxe. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions.
C 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 670 0
8992 Shadow Item: Poleaxe
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Poleaxe. It cannot be traded, dropped, crystallized, or given other functions.
C 139 / 76 4 x3 / x 3 670 0


93 Winged Spear
D (2545) 79 / 47 4 x3 / x 3 2060 1400000
291 Trident
D (743) 40 / 26 4 x2 / x 2 2100 409000
292 Pike
D (1170) 51 / 32 4 x2 / x 2 2090 644000
293 War Hammer
D (1758) 64 / 39 4 x2 / x 2 2080 967000
294 War Pick
D (2545) 79 / 47 4 x3 / x 3 2050 1400000
295 Dwarven Trident
D (1170) 51 / 32 4 x2 / x 2 2090 644000
296 Dwarven Pike
D (1758) 64 / 39 4 x2 / x 2 2070 967000
297 Glaive
D (3272) 92 / 54 4 x3 / x 3 2050 1800000
1376 Guard Spear
A spear that guards use.
D (14) 50 / 26 4 x2 / x 2 300 409000
7831 Traveler's Pike
Traveler's Pike. This item cannot be exchanged, dropped, crystallized, or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
D 51 / 32 4 x2 / x 2 2090 0
8591 Pike (Event)
For the PC Cafй coupon event. This item cannot be exchanged, dropped, crystallized, or enchanted. If one's PK count is 1 or more, it cannot be used.
D 51 / 32 4 x2 / x 2 2090 0
8829 Shadow Item: War Hammer
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a War Hammer. It cannot be traded, dropped or given other functions.
D 64 / 39 4 x2 / x 2 700 0
8990 Shadow Item: War Hammer
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a War Hammer. It cannot be traded, dropped, crystallized, or given other functions.
D 64 / 39 4 x2 / x 2 700 0


15 Short Spear
NG 24 / 17 4 x2 / x 2 2140 136000
16 Great Spear
NG 31 / 21 4 x2 / x 2 2120 244000
3026 Talins Spear
Use this spear to deliver the final blow to Eva's unicorn.
NG 24 / 17 4 x2 / x 2 800 136000
5817 Chrono Campana
Chronicle III Souvenir!!!
NG 1 / 1 4 x0 / x 0 0 0
8972 Shadow Item: Great Spear
This Shadow Item contains the mirrored power of a Great Spear. It cannot be traded, dropped, crystallized, or given other functions.
NG 31 / 21 4 x2 / x 2 707 0
9902 Improved Great Spear
A transformed Great Spear which is stronger and brighter.
NG 31 / 21 4 x2 / x 2 2120 0
10277 Monster Only (Behamah Pole)
NG 24 / 17 4 x2 / x 2 2140 0