Все вещи
Synthetic Cokes
Ингридиент для
- Tunic of Knowledge
- Mithril Tunic
- Sage's Rag
- Karmian Tunic
- Robe of Seal
- Demon's Tunic
- Sage's Robe
- Paradia Tunic
- Inferno Tunic
- Tunic of Solar Eclipse
- Robe of Black Ore
- Tunic of Summoning
- Otherworldly Robe
- Elemental Tunic
- Tunic of Phantom
- Tunic of Grace
- Cerberus Tunic
- Tunic of Aid
- Robe of Blessing
- Dasparion's Robe
- The Robe
- Apprentice's Stockings
- Stockings
- Feriotic Stockings
- Leather Stockings
- Cursed Stockings
- Mystic's Stockings
- Stockings of Knowledge
- Mithril Stockings
- Karmian Stockings
- Paradia Stockings
- Stockings of Summoning
- Elemental Stockings
- Tattoo of Pledge
- Hood of Solar Eclipse
- Hood of Black Ore
- Hood of Summoning
- Otherworldly Hood
- Masterpiece Boots
- Boots of Silence
- Gust Boots
- Boots of The Underworld
- Boots of Concentration
- Ace's Boots
- Guardian's Boots
- Majestic Boots
- Boots of Solar Eclipse
- Boots of Black Ore
- Boots of Summoning
- Otherworldly Boots
- Elemental Boots
- Boots of Phantom
- Boots of Grace
- Boots of Holy Spirit
- Phoenix Boots
- Cerberus Boots
- Boots of Aid
- Absolute Boots
- Avadon Boots
- Boots of Doom
- Boots of Pledge
- Divine Boots
- Crafted Leather Gloves
- Leather Gauntlets
- Rip Gauntlets
- Bronze Shield
- Aspis
- Hoplon
- Kite Shield
- Knight's Shield
- Zubei's Shield
- Dragon Shield
- Wolf Shield
- Shining Dragon Shield
- Shield of Valor
- Glorious Shield
- Red Flame Shield
- Elven Crystal Shield
- Dark Crystal Shield
- Elven Vagian Shield
- Dark Vagian Shield
- Hell Shield
- Art of Shield
- Otherworldly Shield
- Elemental Shield
- Song: Moonlight Whisper
- Bloodsteel Kris
- Karlun's Skull
- Karlun's Rib Bone
- Karlun's Thigh Bone
- Saint's Ash Urn
- Mace of Athebaldt
- Roien's Letter
- Manuel's Letter
- Varan's Letter
- Groot's Letter
- Tome of Nassen
- Cursed Tome of Nassen
- Bloodthirsty Dagger
- Bloody Dagger
- Staff of Shane
- Pinter's Bill
- Drake's Claw
- Flawless Drake's Claw
- Pushkin's Letter
- Bone Fragment
- Altran's Letter
- Oil Paper
- Adamantium Ore
- Heart Stone
- Pushkin's Receipt
- Leather Strap
- Book of Aklantoth P1 ~ P10
- Cat's Eye Earring
- Coral Earring
- Red Crescent Earring
- Enchanted Earring
- Tiger's Eye Earring
- Elven Earring
- Omen Beast's Eye Earring
- Moonstone Earring
- Earring of Protection
- Earring of Binding
- Nassen's Earring
- Tateossian Earring
- Earring of Mana
- Sage's Earring
- Paradia Earring
- Cerberus Earring
- Earring of Aid
- Earring of Blessing
- Ring of Anguish
- Ring of Wisdom
- Blue Coral Ring
- Black Pearl Ring
- Ring of Summoning
- Ring of Grace
- Ring of Holy Spirit
- Phoenix Ring
- Cerberus Ring
- Ring of Aid
- Ring of Blessing
- Necklace of Knowledge
- Necklace of Anguish
- Blue Diamond Necklace
- Necklace of Devotion
- Recipe: Oriharukon
- Recipe: Eldarake
- Recipe: Knight's Shield
- Recipe: Tower Shield
- Recipe: Flamberge
- Recipe: Stormbringer
- Recipe: Big Hammer
- Recipe: Scythe
- Recipe: Battle Axe
- Recipe: Silver Axe
- Recipe: Skull Graver
- Recipe: Heavy Doom Hammer
- Recipe: Heavy Doom Axe
- Recipe: Cursed Dagger
- Recipe: Wolverine Needle
- Recipe: Dark Elven Dagger
- Recipe: Chakram
- Recipe: Orcish Glaive
- Recipe: Body Slasher
- Recipe: Shamshir
- Recipe: Katana
- Recipe: Bec de Corbin
- Recipe: Spirit Sword
- Recipe: Raid Sword
- Recipe: Stiletto
- Recipe: Soulfire Dirk
- Recipe: Caliburs
- Recipe: Sword of Delusion
- Recipe: Tsurugi
- Recipe: Homunkulus's Sword
- Recipe: Poleaxe
- Recipe: Sword of Limit
- Recipe: Sword of Nightmare
- Recipe: Sword of Whispering Death
- Recipe: War Axe
- Recipe: Nirvana Axe
- Recipe: Pa'agrian Hammer
- Recipe: Mace of the Underworld
- Recipe: Grace Dagger
- Recipe: Dark Screamer
- Recipe: Fisted Blade
- Recipe: Pa'agrian Axe
- Recipe: Scorpion
- Recipe: Widow Maker
- Recipe: Samurai Longsword
- Recipe: Crystal Dagger
- Recipe: Great Pata
- Recipe: Orcish Poleaxe
- Recipe: Chain Shield
- Recipe: Dwarven Chain Shield
- Recipe: Full Plate Shield
- Recipe: Dwarven War Hammer
- Recipe: Yaksa Mace
- Recipe: Composite Shield
- Recipe: Doom Shield
- Recipe: Zubei's Shield (100%)
- Recipe: Zubei's Shield (60%)
- Recipe: Doom Shield (60%)
- Recipe: Pata (60%)
- Recipe: Maestro Anvil Lock
- Recipe: Pata
- Recipe: Great Sword
- Recipe: Heavy War Axe
- Recipe: Keshanberk
- Recipe: Sword of Valhalla
- Recipe: Kris
- Recipe: Hell Knife
- Recipe: Arthro Nail
- Recipe: Great Axe
- Recipe: Sword of Damascus
- Recipe: Lance
- Recipe: Deadman's Glory
- Recipe: Art of Battle Axe
- Recipe: Demon Dagger
- Recipe: Bellion Cestus
- Recipe: Knuckle Duster
- Recipe: Avadon Shield
- Recipe: Avadon Shield (60%)
- Recipe: Great Sword (60%)
- Recipe: Heavy War Axe (60%)
- Recipe: Keshanberk (60%)
- Recipe: Sword of Valhalla (60%)
- Recipe: Kris (60%)
- Recipe: Hell Knife (60%)
- Recipe: Arthro Nail (60%)
- Recipe: Great Axe (60%)
- Recipe: Sword of Damascus (60%)
- Recipe: Lance (60%)
- Recipe: Deadman's Glory (60%)
- Recipe: Art of Battle Axe (60%)
- Recipe: Demon Dagger (60%)
- Recipe: Bellion Cestus (60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Dark Crystal Shield(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Shield of Nightmare(100%)
- Recipe: Dragon Slayer(60%)
- Recipe: Dragon Slayer(100%)
- Recipe: Berserker Blade(100%)
- Recipe: Meteor Shower(60%)
- Recipe: Meteor Shower(100%)
- Recipe: Elysian(60%)
- Recipe: Elysian(100%)
- Recipe: Bloody Orchid(60%)
- Recipe: Bloody Orchid(100%)
- Recipe: Soul Separator(60%)
- Recipe: Soul Separator(100%)
- Recipe: Dragon Grinder(60%)
- Recipe: Dragon Grinder(100%)
- Recipe: Blood Tornado(60%)
- Recipe: Blood Tornado(100%)
- Recipe: Tallum Glaive(60%)
- Recipe: Tallum Glaive(100%)
- Recipe: Halberd(60%)
- Recipe: Halberd(100%)
- Recipe: Dark Legion's Edge(60%)
- Recipe: Dark Legion's Edge(100%)
- Recipe: Sword of Miracles(60%)
- Recipe: Sword of Miracles(100%)
- Recipe: Elemental Sword(60%)
- Recipe: Elemental Sword(100%)
- Recipe: Tallum Blade(60%)
- Recipe: Tallum Blade(100%)
- Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (60%)
- Recipe: Sealed Imperial Crusader Shield (100%)
- Recipe: Forgotten Blade (60%)
- Recipe: Forgotten Blade (100%)
- Recipe: Basalt Battlehammer (60%)
- Recipe: Basalt Battlehammer (100%)
- Recipe: Angel Slayer (60%)
- Recipe: Angel Slayer (100%)
- Recipe: Shining Bow (60%)
- Recipe: Shining Bow (100%)
- Recipe: Dragon Hunter Axe (60%)
- Recipe: Dragon Hunter Axe (100%)
- Recipe: Saint Spear (60%)
- Recipe: Saint Spear (100%)
- Recipe: Demon Splinter (60%)
- Recipe: Demon Splinter (100%)
- Recipe: Heavens Divider (60%)
- Recipe: Heavens Divider (100%)
- Recipe: Arcana Mace (60%)
- Recipe: Arcana Mace (100%)
- Recipe: Draconic Bow (60%)
- Recipe: Draconic Bow (100%)
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