magazine images

25 Pins
The Silhouette Brochure - Tony Huynh
The Silhouette Brochure by Tony Huynh the one color with the black and white is such a simplistic and yet genius idea. This is so perfect for a sports page, but not sure if it will fit in with this year's theme..
Oops, You Found the Unfound! | abdz
Editorial Design Inspiration: Companion Magazine | Abduzeedo Design Inspiration
A redesigned New York Times Magazine Table of contents, made as a school project, Hallie Bean
Peer Magazine by Paul Fox - bold typography, relying on a main block colour per layout and strong images. Statement pages which are relaticely simple.
Halfpixels_Webmaster_Manual.png by Jake Hill
Designed by Jake Hill. I am inspired by the angled cropping of the images. It creates great eye movement, and visual interest. There's a great balance of negative and positive space throughout the layouts.
Juxtapoz Magazine - Incredible Ceramic Sculptures by Johnson Tsang
Juxtapoz Magazine - Incredible Ceramic Sculptures by Johnson Tsang
sculptures by Patricia Piccini. I'm completely stunned by these great pieces of art.
Alphabet Topography
amazing work entitled Alphabet Topography by Synoptic Office via This Is Colossal (a site I could spend hours getting lost in).