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Fusion of Knowledge

At NC, we pursue a community value of gradual development
through shared discovery and subsequent fusion of each individual's
diverse knowledge, experience and talent.


Creative Technology

NC's exclusive technology, born from commitment and dedication,
becomes a creative tool for joy, contributing to technological innovation
and scientific progress.


A World Connected by Joy

NC dreams of a future where everyone is connected by infinite joy
in a world created by ceaseless dedication and passion.

Lineage OST - Recluse Lineage 2 OST - The Call of Destiny Blade & Soul OST - Where the Wind Sleeps AION OST - The Tower Of Eternity Lineage OST - Recluse

Fusion of Knowledge

NC is a place where people from all walks of life come together in pursuit of their dreams.
We believe that connecting each and every individual's unique
experiences, talents, and interests leads to discovering even greater values,
and that sharing one's talents while absorbing others' knowledge
contributes to community development toward the attainment of shared goals.



NC welcomes people with different backgrounds, ranging from people such as novelists to archeology buffs and plastic model designers. Unique individual knowledge and experience as well as diverse perspectives are important and precious assets as well as a source of creation. With deep respect for the value of diversity, NC is constantly exploring and fusing individual talents and skills to envision even greater new values.


NC endorses the culture of unconstrained, open sharing, to connect ideas and spread knowledge. Along with the I&M REPORT, NC organizes several events where all employees gather to discuss core corporate values and issues. At NCDP, developers share their impassioned knowledge and experience which creates NC’s unique developer culture.



NC is a company constantly learning and exploring. All types of knowledge, including literature, mathematics, physics, philosophy, biology, sociology and aesthetics constitute valuable assets used to turn imagination into reality. NC University, with over 200 lectures held every year, and NC Library, containing over 40,000 books, offer spaces where curious minds which strive to learn about the world's essence can gather and accumulate the wisdom to create joy.

Creative Technology

The sharing and fusion of diverse knowledge fuels technological innovation,
and becomes the foundation for creativity that shapes a joyful world.
NC is actively conducting cutting-edge research and recruiting top talent to propel content creation and technological innovation.

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NC is conducting constant R&D on AI, focusing on it as a tool to discover new and meaningful values. In 2011, NC formed R&D organizations dedicated to AI. NC's AI Center researches and develops game AI, voice recognition/synthesis, and computer vision technologies. NC's NLP Center researches and develops natural language processing and knowledge engineering. Going beyond R&D focused on current issues, NC envisions AI that will bring fundamental change and innovation.


One of the distinguishing advantages of NC's games is the outstanding quality and beauty of the graphics. Cutting-edge graphic expertise, encompassing everything from characters to backgrounds and animations, is born at NC’s Visual Center. Combining 3D graphics and cinematic videos with motion capture and other technologies, NC is researching cutting-edge visual techniques, striving to push for a new standard in creative video game graphics.

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NC’s ambition to set new standards for video game sound is based on various experiments and efforts to create unmatched quality. Sound design, including acoustics, music, and in-game dialog, as well as all aspects of sound development including poly art, performance, recording and mixing with voice acting, game interactive sound, and media sound are undertaken at NC’s Sound Center. Using our own audio technology combining sound design and engineering, we seek refreshing ways to create auditory inspiration. NCSOUND YouTube channel

A World Connected by Joy

Unleashed imagination combined with creative expertise creates a new world
where many people can gather and connect by sharing joyful experiences together.
NC has ceaselessly worked to give birth to such a new world and will continue pursuing its vision of the future.

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NC has created MMORPG worlds such as Lineage, AION, and Blade & Soul where numerous people are united by the same goal. What NC values above all in a game is the joy of a collective accomplishment where the world is changed through the concerted efforts of many rather than the feat of a glorious hero alone. WHAT WE CREATE


Unique IPs created by NC constantly evolve into new content and services. NC is forever pursuing new dimensions of joy, be it through story-based webtoons and web novels, e-sports events like LFC and Blade & Soul Tournament, Fever Festival where music is used as a medium for sharing joy, or characters like Spoonz and TWOTUCKGOM.

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Knowing that winning together is the best kind of victory, NC pursues joy through baseball. The pure passion of cheering together is akin to the joy that NC idealizes. NC DINOS run towards victory so that more people can be inspired through baseball. NC DINOS