I have been Model Engineering from when I started my Toolmaking apprenticeship in 1976 with Matchbox toys. Two years after I completed my apprenticeship, Matchbox toys was sold and all manufacturing done in the far east. I got a job with Jack Odell at his newly started toy company Lledo in Enfield.
Why Kitten Engineering well the K in kitten is for Keith and one T is for Taylor and the N is for Nobbs, Engineering, well everything is engineered, I've been meaning to make a website for ages but never got round to it.
On this site you will find photos and information on projects that have been made and are in the
process of being made.
My first project was 5 inch Gauge Lion which was started 46 years ago. The current project is the LMS Jubilee
News and Updates
New Website Published 8th August 2019
Welcome to my updated website, i have had to rebuild it, as the wed builder program was to be discontinued in September and this has be done with the new web builder, i hope you find something of interest.
This website is a pictorial record of projects if you would like more information please get in touch, see contact page.
I had a look at the statistics for this web site yesterday 2 December 2024 and it has had 8341visits & 16386 page views