Liz (she they)
Transplanted from so-called MN in 2015, stolen lands of Anishinaabe & Dakota, to NoCo: stolen lands of Ute, Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Shoshone, Lakota, Ponca, Blackfeet, Comanche.
#Abolition #DefundPIC #MutualAid #WeCareForUs #AbolishthePolice
Fort Collins Colorado
Following (39)
jatenb |
madlnn madeleine (sheher) |
sydshawty syd (she they) |
matt123 |
daine |
brizzle |
milow Milo (he him) |
haylstorm Hayley LR (theythem) |
crunchytoaster Damien (theythem) |
buildanocean Colby (he him) |
Followers (17)
926081145 José Souza |
madlnn madeleine (sheher) |
securitron sponsored rebellion |
alimental3lder |
haylstorm Hayley LR (theythem) |
esmebutterfly Esme Holden |
naloxonedad ARLO- (he they) |
connork10 |
sweaty4equality (any all) |
flowerxrla Flower Gardener |
Browse others (14)
ksophocleous Konstantinos Sofokleous |
ferakpeter Peter Ferak |
frankper Frank Perrakis |
kenmc ken |
mitchtorgerson Mitch Torgerson |
cf24tab cf24 |
seanmagill Sean C. Magill |