Nicole Borgaard
Full Stack Web Developer in San Francisco. Big fan of cat cafes to get my cat fix so I'm not weirdly doting on other people's cats in public.
San Francisco, California
Following (1)
mbaxter Matt Baxter |
Followers (5)
lucy777 Lucy |
gregoreasy Gregor Easy |
longthienmon TL |
serafina2k Serafina Kopp |
mbaxter Matt Baxter |
Browse others (15)
hanna_lytical Hannah |
robhesketh Rob Hesketh |
pyltime Ian Pylvainen |
landand Julek Kowalski |
michalekwp Michal |
lamoustache stache |
tmaruya_brierley Teru |
jtdoepke Jaye Doepke |
pawnika Anika Binte Hanib |
rosatan Roshan Rana |