Jacob Good
I'm a Ruby developer that loves to play with science, math, and gadgets. Previously, I was part of a startup called drop.io, acquired by Facebook. I live in Minneapolis with my wife, 2 dogs, and boys. I'm a foodie, a gamer, and a car enthusiast.
Minneapolis, MN
Following (43)
michaelfransen Michael Fransen |
tillk Till Klampaeckel |
gleatherman Gary Leatherman |
brandonaaron Brandon Aaron |
cdixon Chris Dixon |
btmerr |
alttext Ben Edwards |
mndoci Deepak Singh |
britg Brit Gardner |
rohn Rohn Blake |
Followers (30)
janetmandy Janet Sinclair Mandy |
kellyokoromy Kelly Okoro |
angelo56 Luiz Barros |
annilotta29 Tommi Harju |
meggsnichol Nicole Meghan |
majortonic Russ Selby |
clovis818 Sam D |
caseyhelbling Casey Helbling |
michaelfransen Michael Fransen |
tillk Till Klampaeckel |
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