Nate Major
Saving Western civilization one task, relationship, and conversation at a time.
Ohio, USA
Following (22)
theypropertaryan Tyler Sabin |
hyperborean1 One Of The Guys |
37heimdallr |
stateofexception Pomen |
m4masterrace |
castlegate John Durham Duggar |
dj_truth Daniel Johnson |
arminius14 Michael Cole |
rickturpin |
moritzbierling Moritz Bierling |
Followers (26)
dogmaster |
redstatesecesion RedStateSecession |
jrockwell |
gg2142 |
kevintierney Kevin Tierney |
blackswan74 Tara Duggar |
mgreenstone Greenstone |
sanselmo |
hyperborean1 One Of The Guys |
37heimdallr |
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crse Christian Elbrianno |
bbyrne B |
mylesaway_23 Myles Hunter |
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jaredcobb Jared Cobb |
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