Trevor Flowers
XR creator at Transmutable. Chair for the W3C Immersive Web Community Group and invited expert for the WG. 💖 the Memex.
Following (14)
anselmhook Anselm Hook |
stewartsmith Stewart |
voiceofunreason Nathan Backous |
avadacatavra Diane Hosfelt |
jdbolter Jay Bolter |
jazmin Jazmin Cano |
grace Grace Woo |
dietrich Dietrich Ayala |
colinfizgig William Colin Freeman |
potch Potch |
Followers (8)
mgorbet |
anselmhook Anselm Hook |
dietrich Dietrich Ayala |
stewartsmith Stewart |
tencircles Chris |
voiceofunreason Nathan Backous |
iansmithga Ian Emery Smith |
joeboyle Joe Boyle |
Browse others (12)
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jewinvader JewInvader |
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