Open team about Stellar Lumens (XLM) COMING SOON: 🚀 Commands: /price (live XLM rate USD/EUR) !spacedrop (live statistics about Keybase's Stellar Spacedrop) /help -> Get a full list of all other commands and other info! 953 total members
6 public admins
darkmatter23 funkynerd |
stellartalk_team |
idubravac Ivan Dubravac |
starjewel |
newera19 Andrea s |
chindraba Chindraba |
113 public members
agussalam Agussalam |
genievic24 Monica Genievic |
panji365 panji pahlawan |
tenn79 Nguyen Tien |
reikon1986 Ervin Pahoi |
2fastfyou Mateusz Wtulich |
How to join stellar_talkInstall KeybaseDownload Keybase and enter "stellar_talk" from the teams tab. This is an "open" team, which means the admins will auto-accept any request to join, and you can get in fast. |