Rob Pike
Co-creator of Go and world class jackass.
I get around.
Followers (656)
ianlewis Ian Matthew Lewis |
stasis_user |
sarathkumarsivan Sarath Kumar Sivan |
cgt Christoffer G. Thomsen |
nify Fangyuan Ni |
rudi9719 Rudi 谢世嘉 رودي |
voneris Van Der Borch |
pstuifzand Peter Stuifzand |
lemonmint Lemon-Mint |
maplew Mark Liu |
Browse others (14)
phil_jackson Phil Jackson |
at0mat Matt Watson |
wildahuston Wilda Huston |
ari_barrows Lily Duffy |
cristinaschutz Cristina Schutz Marques |
blenarcik Bob Lenarcik |
coot Marcin Szamotulski |