There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Dublin | Berlin | Prague
Following (11)
zeta Aleksandr Tihomirov |
paulsec Paul Sec |
cure53 Mario Heiderich, Cure53 |
frans Frans Rosén |
infodox Darren Martyn |
opt1cz Opt1cz |
lesault Andy Younie |
nsh Lauri Love |
christruncer Chris Truncer |
paulirish Paul Irish |
Followers (7)
peltz1 Michaela Emch 🌱 |
gokulalex Gokul Alex |
riordant Tadhg Riordan |
thespeedysnail Jarett H. |
lesault Andy Younie |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
mbona Michael Bona |
Browse others (15)
oozturk Ozgur Ozturk |
moza Mabel Oza |
antonidybiec Antoni |
racum Ronaldo Ferreira |
bohassian Jake |
bopfer Bryan Opfer |
tunon David Tunon Constantino |
vngarcia52 Vianei |
vincentroma Vincent Roma |
tinytumbleweed Tiny Tumbleweed |
zeridon Vladimir Vitkov |