Ryan Lackey
Founder/CEO of CryptoSeal, Inc. (YC S11) rdl on hn. Formerly ran networks in Iraq and Afghanistan, and before that, HavenCo on Sealand in the North Sea, and anonymous electronic cash systems from Anguilla in the 1990s. Cypherpunk and carnivore.
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Following (43)
jdsika Carlo van Driesten |
puellavulnerata Andrea Shepard |
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marc Marc Rogers |
jessysaurusrex Jessy Irwin |
jpgoldberg Jeffrey Paul Goldberg |
philipithomas Philip I. Thomas |
mwr Marc Rogers |
chris Chris Coyne |
cdixon Chris Dixon |
Followers (256)
stephendpalley Stephen Palley |
erichaomkp eric hao |
razak66 lazike nuru |
chrispinnock Chris Pinnock |
i_ball I-baLL |
davevenable dave venable |
yawnbox Christopher Sheats |
jjb Jeremy Bornstein |
genya |
godminusone |
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bubstar Bubstar Hardly |
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proveg_suzanne_h Suzanne harlaar |
sharkon Thomas Anderson |
kevinblackmore Kevin Blackmore |
juanpablo Juan Pablo AJ |