Kyle Rawlins
Associate professor in the Cognitive Science Department at Johns Hopkins University. I specialize in linguistics, with a focus on semantics, pragmatics, and computational modeling.
Baltimore, MD
Following (11)
bethharrison |
susanlm Susan Maitland |
buffarama Desiree Jenkins Maitland |
lynnike Scott Maitland |
6c12 Crystal Maitland |
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aaronstevenwhite Aaron Steven White |
patrl Patrick David Elliott |
adamliter Adam Liter |
danielballan Daniel Allan |
Followers (10)
bethharrison |
susanlm Susan Maitland |
buffarama Desiree Jenkins Maitland |
lynnike Scott Maitland |
6c12 Crystal Maitland |
aaronstevenwhite Aaron Steven White |
bkeej |
adamliter Adam Liter |
patrl Patrick David Elliott |
zureal Jeffrey Oxenreider |
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