Skier, father of 3, guitarist, Vignelli fan and recent OCAD grad
Following (10)
viictorcesar Victor Cesar |
lucaluce Lucas Palicka |
jon_snow |
geovannyyy GEO |
customerknowyou StellarNews.中文 |
shour_btc Ottomar Zahn |
peterpalmieri Peter Palmieri |
lgv Leon-Gerard Vandenberg |
mattnp Mateo Noreña |
malwarere Ramin |
Followers (3)
viictorcesar Victor Cesar |
shour_btc Ottomar Zahn |
lucaluce Lucas Palicka |
Browse others (15)
ignacio Ignacio Martinez |
stevaras Stavros Kalapothas |
tlimpanont Theuy Limpanont |
ldouglas Cornelius Quitzon |
irving Irving Reid |
sterling72 sterling |
myholder Miche |
jtz JT Zemp |
cheeba4thc cheeba medic |