Kanchan Malhotra
Hey all, I am an IT professional, completely new to Complexity science. Excited to meet and learn from everyone. Looking forward to it!
New Jersey
Following (16)
najoel |
hemanthbantwal Hemanth Bantwal |
justineschott Justine Schott |
marissajsmith Marissa J. Smith |
ttrieu Terry Trieu |
denkflowrr Raffaelina Rossetti |
docxology ɖǟռɨɛʟ ǟʀɨ ʄʀɨɛɖʍǟռ |
chenling Chenling Xu |
rosesagun Rose Sagun |
antelligent Gaurav Gandhi |
Followers (14)
dcoinevangelist |
pgmenon Prahlad G Menon PhD |
hemanthbantwal Hemanth Bantwal |
ttrieu Terry Trieu |
chenling Chenling Xu |
complexityteam Complexity |
najoel |
rosesagun Rose Sagun |
justineschott Justine Schott |
jeffmorgan Jeff Morgan |
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