Kevin Grahl - Deprecated
Due to the aquisition of Keybase by Zoom I no longer trust this platform with my data. Zoom has shown that they have no problem with removing E2E encryption from their product when the FBI nicely asks.
Keybase is no longer trustworthy.
Hannover, Germany
Following (4)
annahall87 Anna Hall |
holysz Mikołaj Hołysz |
aequitas Johan Bloemberg |
uberspace |
Followers (6)
gtallen1187 Greg Allen |
baxxword64 |
tardisblue |
crypt0scope CRYPTOSCOPE |
annahall87 Anna Hall |
encrypted010111 Prince Lucifer |
Browse others (12)
dahlialia181 Dahlia |
simongn Simon Gouin |
captainbern CaptainBern |
pouzor Remy Jardinet |
lm_1411 luis manuel andrade bracho |
carl_shepherd Carl Shepherd |
aklump Aaron Klump |
issinoho Iain Smith |
keyatvyusegedg Vekshinskiy Georgiy |
ilmari28 Amelia Jokihaara |