Josh Asplund
Computer scientist and Mathematician. Currently a graduate student at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL
Following (14)
nickcraver Nick Craver |
shanselman Scott Hanselman |
femtoboy Matthew Asplund |
nikomatsakis Nicholas Matsakis |
drewfus |
jbacon2 Jeffrey Bacon |
mitch10e Mitchell Tenney |
mbenne49 M. David Bennett Jr. |
cvhooper22 Matthew Freeman |
sheidbri |
Followers (5)
femtoboy Matthew Asplund |
chip Chip Wolf |
cvhooper22 Matthew Freeman |
sheidbri |
windley Phil Windley |
Browse others (14)
rachelcope Rachel Cope |
nvichare Nidhi Vichare |
rahimrasool Rahim Rasool |
iainwest Iain West |
scaspin Shai Caspin |
jthoms1 Josh Thomas |
silviu25 Silviu Petre Pirvulescu |
slipnslideman Dave MacInnis |
sambi Sam Bikineh |
wcpwio Waistcoat Pocket Watch, LLC |