Jan Kus
Co-Founder of Railslove, hackers & thinkers, hack.institute, Interactive Cologne and Coworking Cologne. Craziest man alive! I love building web applications! I'm in love in FinTech stuff and I am kickstarting Startups. Nuff said.
Following (1)
webwurst Tobias Bradtke |
Followers (17)
wojtekgorecki Wojtek Gorecki |
kr1sp1n Krispin Schulz |
salim Salim Hbeiliny |
digitalbreed Matthias Gall |
avatar Tim Bartel |
peetbeatr Peter Brüske |
deichten Daniel Eichten |
macbroadcast macbroadcast |
marians Marian Steinbach |
axelquack Axel Quack |
Browse others (15)
akshithg G |
cocopsy Master Coco Psy |
artigas migdalia sanoja |
adriancohea Adrian Cohea |
brutussire Brutus Obiora |
carhartl Klaus Hartl |
erazmus Ian McLaughlin |
c_darwin Oleg Strelenko |
brookeboczar Brooke Boczar |
ale500 Ale |
gaio Michael Gaio |
kmccarty Kyle McCarty |