Jaya Klara Brekke
I work on technology and meaning - in theory and practice.
CSO at Nym and fellow at the Weizenbaum Institute.
London, Margate, Berlin
Following (37)
danielvazquez Daniel Vazquez |
aghappour Ahmed Ghappour |
simonwicky Simon Wicky |
leenyluong Leeny L |
cryptohog10 |
jajh Josh |
tommyvez Tommy |
alfredonym Alfredo Rial |
adinheric Adin Heric |
elvisnuno Elvis Nuno |
Followers (85)
harlan123 |
cha77 |
claudianym Claudia Diaz |
halpin |
josephinym Joe Iacono |
danielvazquez Daniel Vazquez |
aghappour Ahmed Ghappour |
regu The regulator |
lucianab9 |
leenyluong Leeny L |
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