Derek Moyes
Husband, Father, Racker, G33k.
San Antonio, TX
Following (7)
jondkelley Jonathan Kelley |
chadpritchett Chad Pritchett |
wilw Wil Wheaton |
shannonmorse Shannon Morse |
agilebits AgileBits, Inc. |
gekitsuu Adam Glenn |
thetechnomancer Jeff Pierce |
Followers (6)
jondkelley Jonathan Kelley |
chadpritchett Chad Pritchett |
syah Ryan Stark |
rcollazo Robert Collazo |
gekitsuu Adam Glenn |
thetechnomancer Jeff Pierce |
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nathanielban Nathaniel Bannister |
ptongsamsung Paul Tong |
yogivan Ivan Herger |
youseguyspod Youse Guys and that Podcast |
andreahaas Andrea Haas |
johndaily John Daily Jr |
devzdev Devin Zimmer |
buckweiser Daryll Alvero |
vpaciulli Vítor Paciulli |