Bartholomew R. Mallio
DFIR, tester of hypotheses, coffee drinker, lover of creative music.
NYC and environs
Following (15)
milouness Carmen Medina |
marena Mark Arena |
johngalt Florian Roth |
verovaleros Veronica Valeros |
jags J A G-S |
davidjbianco David J. Bianco |
jfslowik Joe Slowik |
drunkbinary Casey Brooks |
itsreallynick Nick Carr |
craiu2 Costin Raiu |
Followers (3)
ninjaoperator Your Intel Is No Good Here |
debby08 |
scaltagi Sergio Caltagirone |
Browse others (15)
ianjohnso Ian Johnson |
utanapishtim Utanapishtim |
chrisclayson Chris Clayson |
brycemecum Bryce Mecum |
mikosee Michał |
ebernard Etienne Bernard |
dasilvj Jean-Manuel Da Silva |
bkerensa Benjamin Kerensa |
antonseim Anton Seim |
lenindontruso lenin alfonso |