Brooke Schreier Ganz
~ full-time mama, part-time web geek ~
Founder of Reclaim The Records, a non-profit activist group that uses Freedom of Information laws to acquire important archival datasets from government agencies and libraries, and makes them freely available online
Mill Valley, California
Following (22)
pgalante Paul Galante |
natsecgeek emma best |
xor Parker Higgins |
mitchellkotler Mitchell Kotler |
jeremyjbowers Jeremy Bowers |
morisy Michael Morisy |
mjg59 Matthew Garrett |
sarahjeong Sarah Jeong |
harper Harper Reed |
0xabad1dea Melissa Elliott |
Followers (8)
textfiles Jason Scott |
bikinirobotarmy Val Broeksmit |
pgalante Paul Galante |
natsecgeek emma best |
goingtomaine Going T. Maine |
cmx chronomex |
simonganz Simon Ganz |
corysvensson Cory Svensson |
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cristinelars criz😉 |
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apetrov09 Petrov Artem |
moussu Clément Moussu |
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geiralund Geir André Lund |
blockblockerson BlockedToRock |
pfmartins Pedro Fernandes Martins |
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