Michael White
Ex-soldier, BCDR guy, late of DataGravity and VMware. Love technology, and exploring the world.
Calgary, Alberta
Followers (12)
sthulin Sean Thulin |
moscolin MOSE |
jweinshe Jay Weinshenker |
tsugliani Timo Sugliani |
sfoskett Stephen Foskett |
erikbussink Erik Bussink |
kfalconspb Scott Bollinger |
stvkpln Steve Kaplan |
mattthatitguy Matt Crape |
paulgifford Paul Gifford |
Browse others (14)
justinelee Justine Lee |
wroing Daniel Bradley |
moever Marius van den Oever |
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mikosee Michał |
miramousehunter Julia |
miyagi8 Martin |
ruoyu Ruoyu Wang |
samritchie Sam Ritchie |
espressowillie Willie McClure |
rafael_properly Rafael Almeida |