Titel: | International commercial arbitration |
Titelzusatz: | international conventions, country reports and comparative analysis |
Mitwirkende: | Balthasar, Stephan [HerausgeberIn] [VerfasserIn] |
| Duncker, Philipp [VerfasserIn] |
| Fasfalis, Georgios [VerfasserIn] |
| Silva, Raquel Galvão [VerfasserIn] |
| Illmer, Martin [VerfasserIn] |
| Krestin, Marc [VerfasserIn] |
| Lo, Amy [VerfasserIn] |
| Lousa, Nuno [VerfasserIn] |
| Lukoyanov, Konstantin [VerfasserIn] |
| Magliana, Melissa [VerfasserIn] |
| Meulemeester, Dirk de [VerfasserIn] |
| Nueber, Michael [VerfasserIn] |
| Niedermaier, Tilman [VerfasserIn] |
| Piers, Maud [VerfasserIn] |
| Richers, Roman [VerfasserIn] |
| Romanova, Valeria [VerfasserIn] |
| Selvaraj, Ramesh [VerfasserIn] |
| Shang, Yong [VerfasserIn] |
| Solomon, Dennis [VerfasserIn] |
| Steinbrück, Ben [VerfasserIn] |
| Tan, Kai Liang [VerfasserIn] |
| Vanleenhove, Cedric [VerfasserIn] |
| Wehland, Hanno [VerfasserIn] |
| Widjeskog, Niclas [VerfasserIn] |
| Xiong, Qi [VerfasserIn] |
| Zeiler, Gerold [VerfasserIn] |
| Ziadé, Roland [VerfasserIn] |
Verf.angabe: | edited by Stephan Balthasar ; with contributions by Stephan Balthasar, Philipp Duncker, Georgios Fasfalis, Raquel Galvão Silva, Martin Illmer, Marc Krestin, Amy Lo, Nuno Lousa, Konstantin Lukoyanov, Melissa Magliana, Dirk De Meulemeester, Michael Nueber, Tilman Niedermaier, Maud Piers, Roman Richers, Valeria Romanova, Ramesh Selvaraj, Yong Shang, Dennis Solomon, Ben Steinbrück, Kai Liang Tan, Cedric Vanleenhove, Hanno Wehland, Niclas Widjeskog, Qi Xiong, Gerold Zeiler, Roland Ziadé |
Verlagsort: | München |
| Oxford ; Portland, Or. |
| Baden-Baden |
Verlag: | C.H. Beck |
| Hart |
| Nomos |
Jahr: | 2016 |
| 2016 |
| 2016 |
Umfang: | XXXIX, 701 Seiten |
Fussnoten: | Auf dem Einband: "a handbook" |
Weitere Titel: | Abweichender Titel: A handbook |
Ang. zum Inhalt: | Best practice in international arbitration : comparative reflections on the UNCITRAL model law / Stephan Balthasar |
| International commercial arbitration : the New York Convention / Dennis Solomon |
| Investment treaty arbitration / Hanno Wehland |
| International arbitration in Austria / Michael Nueber, Gerold Zeiler |
| International arbitration in Belgium / Maud Piers, Cedric Vanleenhove, Dirk De Meulemeester |
| International arbitration in Brazil / Nuno Lousa, Raquel Galvão Silva |
| International arbitration in China (People's Republic) / Qi Xiong, Yong Shang |
| International arbitration in England and Wales / Martin Illmer |
| International arbitration in France / Stephan Balthasar, Roland Ziadé |
| International arbitration in Germany / Stephan Balthasar |
| International arbitration in Hong Kong / Amy Lo |
| International arbitration in India / Ben Steinbrück |
| International arbitration in the Netherlands / Georgios Fasfalis, Marc Krestin |
| International arbitration in the Russian Federation / Konstantin Lukoyanov, Valeria Romanova |
| International arbitration in Singapore / Ramesh Selvaraj, Tan Kai Liang |
| International arbitration in Spain / Philipp Duncker |
| International arbitration in Sweden / Niclas Widjeskog |
| International arbitration in Switzerland / Roman Richers, Melissa Magliana |
| International arbitration in the U.S. / Tilman Niedermaier. |
ISBN: | 3-406-66444-X |
| 978-1-84946-793-3 |
| 978-3-8487-1284-7 |
| 978-3-406-66444-1 |
URL: | Inhaltsverzeichnis: https://swbplus.bsz-bw.de/bsz400130270inh.htm |
Schlagwörter: | (s)Internationale Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit |
Sprache: | eng |
Bibliogr. Hinweis: | Erscheint auch als : Online-Ausgabe: International commercial arbitration. - Oxford : Hart, 2016. - 1 Online-Ressource (XXXIX, 701 Seiten) |
RVK-Notation: | PU 1555 |
| PT 350 |
Form-SW: | Handbuch |
K10plus-PPN: | 775969982 |
International commercial arbitration / Balthasar, Stephan [HerausgeberIn] [VerfasserIn]; 2016