1. |
Hilgert, Markus: Drehem administrative documents from the reign of Amar-Suena / by Markus Hilgert with contrib. by Clemens D. Reichel. - Chicago, Ill.: Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago, 2003. - XXXVIII, 649, 79 S. : Ill., ISBN 978-1-885923-24-0 (Cuneiform texts from the Ur III period in the Oriental Institute ; 2) (The University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications ; 121)
Buch/keine Angabe
2. |
Hilgert, Markus: Drehem administrative documents from the reign of Šulgi / by Markus Hilgert. - Chicago, Ill., 1998. - xxxii, 532 S., 44 Taf. : Ill., ISBN 978-1-885923-07-3 (Cuneiform texts from the Ur III period in the Oriental Institute ; 1) (The University of Chicago Oriental Institute publications ; 115)
Buch/keine Angabe
3. |
Hilgert, Markus: Akkadisch in der Ur-III-Zeit / Markus Hilgert ́. - 1. Aufl. - Münster: Rhema, 2002. - XLVII, 768 S, ISBN 978-3-930454-32-7 (IMGULA ; 5)
Buch/keine Angabe