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Neutralität im Neuen Europa : Österreichs Beitrag zur Finalität der Union / Red.: Wolfgang Koch .... - Münster, Westf: agenda Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, 2004. - 150 S., ISBN 978-3-89688-213-4 (Agenda Frieden ; 47)
Buch/keine Angabe
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Punch : A quarter of a million
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : For neutral nations
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Remarkable case of protective colouring
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Prisoner (on being asked, "What say you, 'Guilty' or 'Not guilty'?"). "Me Lud, i leave it to the learned counsels to fight it out between 'em. I'll be neutral."
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : By way of change
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Perfect innocence, 1917
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : The slump in Central Europe
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : A strain on the affections
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Benevolent neutrality
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : A hyphenated proposition
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Outraged Player. "There you are! That's the third free kick he's given 'em - and 'e calls 'hisself nootral!"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : For neutrals. For natives
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : The challenge
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : "Punch" and the Prussian Bully
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : What England did not "expect"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Neutrality under difficulties
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung