1. |
Nowak, Włodzimierz: Obwód głowy / Włodzimierz Nowak. - Wyd. 1. - Wołowiec: Wydawn. Czarne, 2007. - 257 S : Ill, ISBN 978-83-89755-65-0 (Seria Reportaż)
Buch/keine Angabe
2. |
Pierzchała, Henryk: Wyrwanie ze szponów Państwa-SS : Sonderaktion Krakau 1939 - 1941 / Henryk Pierzchała. - Wyd. 1.. - Kraków, 1997. - 411 S., ISBN 978-83-85958-67-3
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3. |
International Conference "Language as a Constitutive Element of a Gendered Society – Developments, Perspectives and Possibilities in the Slavonic Languages" <2014, Innsbruck>: New approaches to gender and queer research in Slavonic studies : proceedings of the International conference “Language as a constitutive element of a gendered society - developments, perspectives, and possibilities in the Slavonic languages” (Innsbruck, 1-4 October 2014) / edited by Dennis Scheller-Boltz. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, [2015]. - 489 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme, ISBN 978-3-447-10540-8 (Die Welt der Slaven : Sammelbände ; Band 59)
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Signatur: 2016 A 7464