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Punch : Taxi-driver. "Where are we all off to?"
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2. |
Punch : Nervous Country Gentlemen (as taxi just misses an island). "Do drive carefully, please. I'm not accustomed to taxis."; Driver. "That's funny! I ain't used th 'em, neither. As a matter o' fact I've only taken this on for a bet."
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
3. |
Punch : Taxi-driver (dissatisfied). "Spent orl 'is money in the january bargain-sales, I s'pose."
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
4. |
Punch : Bus-conductors and taxi-men
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : Punch's essence of parliament
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
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Punch : A great incentive, 1915
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Punch : At last!, 1883
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
8. |
Punch : The second time of asking
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
9. |
Punch : The four-in-hand club cut out by the one-in-hand club (on the Saturday before the derby)
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
10. |
Punch : The poet Bunn's next opera
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
11. |
Punch : Leap-frog in the Soudan; or, "over the war-tar for Charlie!"
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
12. |
Cuvigny, Hélène: Rome in Egypt's Eastern desert / Hélène Cuvigny ; edited with an introduction by Roger S. Bagnall. - New York: New York University Press, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 2021. - 2 volumes (ISAW monographs)
Mehrteiliges Werk
13. |
Punch : The last straw
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
14. |
Le charivari : Les Troupiers en Afrique
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
15. |
Le charivari : Un spécimen de Bastille
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
16. |
Le charivari : Salon caricatural de 1843
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
17. |
Le charivari : Mœurs algériennes.; Chinoiseries turques
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
18. |
Le rire: journal humoristique : Faut-il poursuivre?
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung
19. |
Hamouda, Fatma: Communication and the circulation of letters in the Eastern Desert of Egypt during the Roman Period / submitted by: Fatma E. Hamouda ; first evaluator: Prof. Dr. Andrea Jördens [und eine weiterere Gutac… . - Heidelberg, 04 Mai 2020. - 1 Online-Ressource (212 Seiten) : Illustrationen, Diagramme DOI: 10.11588/heidok.00028289
20. |
Le rire: journal humoristique : ...Celle du nouveau sous-lieutenant!;; La Modiste: C'est le chapeau de "L'Affaire" que vous essayez-là!;; L'Habitude est une deuxième nature
Online-Ressource Bildliche Darstellung